Preparation Tips for IELTS Academic Reading (part 2)

5. Yes, no, not given or True, false, not given questions tasks either ask you to identify the writer’s views or claims in the text or identify information in the text. You will be given a list of statements which are either opinions or facts and you have to decide for- If they are opinions, whether they are the opinions of the writer or not or not given in the text. If they are facts, whether they are true, false or not given in the text.

To prepare for these type of  questions:

Read the instructions carefully.
Quickly read through all the statements to get an idea about the topic.
Read the first statement more carefully. Underline the key words so you understand the main point.
Search for the section of the text which deals with the idea or fact.
Once you have found the relevant section, read it carefully.

6. Classification questions ask you to classify information given in the reading text. Classifications are often according to the writer’s opinion or according to a period of time or place. You will be asked to identify a letter which represents one of the classifications for each item in a list of statements.

To prepare for the classification question questions:

Read the instructions carefully.
Make sure you know how many classifications there are and what letters you have to use. (E.g. US, J, G & UK in the exercise above.)
Read the classifications carefully and make sure you don’t confuse the letters which represent each one.
Read the statements/phrases or words beside the question numbers and underline key words.
Start with the first statement and work your way through them
one by one, searching the text to find where the information is mentioned.
The questions will not necessarily be in the same order as the
text and the wording will probably be different in the text so look out for synonyms and parallel expressions.
When you’ve located the reference in the text, read it carefully and select your answer.
Don’t leave any statements without a letter.

7. Matching questions require you to match a list of opinions to sources mentioned in the text. These questions are used with texts which present a number of different people’s opinions. The sources are usually numbered and the opinions are given a letter each. In the answer booklet, you write the letter(s) beside the numbers. There could be more opinions than sources. If so, you will need to write more than one letter beside the question in the answer booklet. If there are more sources than opinions, then one of more or the opinions will be used more than once.

Read the instructions carefully.
Take the names of the sources one by one and find them in the text and underline them.
When you have located a name, read carefully to see what is said about his/her opinions.
Look at the list of opinions and see if you can make a match.
Remember that the text is not likely to use the same words as the questions, so look for synonyms and parallel expressions.
Also, be aware that the sources may be referred to in more than one place in the text.

8. Choosing headings questions require you to sum up the meaning of a paragraph in order to match it to a bank of possible headings. You may be asked to match every paragraph or section of the text or just a selection of paragraphs or require you to sum up the whole text.

Read the instructions carefully.
Make sure you know which paragraphs or sections you have to sum up.
Read the first paragraph or section and try to sum up, in your own words, what it is about.
Then search through the bank of headings for the best answer.
Make sure the heading you have chosen sums up the entire paragraph and not just one idea within it.
If you have to sum up the entire text. Read the whole text before looking at the bank of headings. Try to think of your own heading and then look at the options.

9. Scanning and identifying location of information questions require you to scan the text to find the location of information. You will be given a set of statements and you need to find the paragraph each one comes from.

To prepare for these type of  questions:

Read the instructions carefully.
Quickly read the statements to get an idea of what the text is about.
Take the statements one by one. Underline the key words.
Next, search the text to find where the information is mentioned.
Remember to look for synonyms and parallel expressions because it is likely that the statements express the ideas differently to the way they are expressed in the text.

10. Labelling a diagram which has numbered parts questions: You will be given a diagram and asked to label it with words from the text or labels given.

To prepare for these type of  questions:

The information will be given in the same order as the numbers on the diagram.
Scan the text to find the information. If labels are not provided, make sure you use words from the text.

Preparation Tips for IELTS Reading (part 4) 

Other important aspects you should follow to prepare yourself for the IELTS reading preparation :

» Read as much as possible.

» Make sure you are familiar with the instructions for the different question types so you can quickly glance at the questions and know what to do.
» Work on your reading skills such as ‘guessing the meanings of unknown words’, ‘understanding reference words in texts’ and reading quickly.
» Read newspaper articles and practice the following:

-- Dividing the content into facts and opinions
-- Finding the topic sentences of paragraphs
-- Writing summaries
-- Interpreting any diagrams or tables
-- Thinking of headings you could give to paragraphs
-- Underlining the pronouns and working out what they refer to
-- Underlining unknown words and seeing if you can work out what they mean
-- Reading the first paragraph and seeing if you can predict what will come next

» Do as many practice tests as you can to get used to the rubric and the task types.

Christian Joy Baltazar
I love reading the instructions and I feel like I am doing IELTS already.
Practice makes someone perfect. And the strategies are also important. Thanks for showing us such good reading skills. That will be of great help.
Amanpreet Singh
Very useful. Thanks.
You need to practice more. If you understand the passage, you can do it. If you don't understand the passage, tips don't help.
Can I use letters T, F, NG, instead of words 'true false not given'???
Hello, I need speaking partners.
Are these tips for both General Training and Academic IELTS?
Maninderjeet Singh
Very useful..,
Grace Joy
Thank you so much for the information and explanations.
Janice Macay
We have the same challenge KC. I am always confused when to use these.
Mehar Haroon
Thank you very much, sir for sharing nice tips. I hope it will be very helpful for me to tackle the reading test. My test will be held on 11th February.
Thank you so much for sharing this information.
Please explain in detail, how to tackle "True, False and Not Given" type of questions? I always become confused between 'False' and 'Not Given'. Could you please help?
Johnny Rey Funa
Thanks for sharing.
Tabish Hamza
Fruitful information for me...
Summary of all tips - Read, Scan and Skim.
Nice tips.
Thank you!! However I know all these tips, but still, can not score good bands (now I am scoring 4-6 bands). Do you know why??? Any suggestion?
Thanks for your kind sharing. They are so helpful.
Thanks for sharing this information. It is very useful for IELTS study. IELTS Reading Tips are great.