IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 587 - Public museums and art galleries will not be needed

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer and the Internet.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Model Answer 1: [Disagreement]

The advent of technology and the widespread availability of the internet have revolutionised the way we access information and engage with various forms of art and culture. Some individuals argue that public museums and art galleries are becoming obsolete as people can now explore historical objects and artworks virtually. However, I strongly disagree with this opinion, as I believe that physical museums and galleries serve invaluable purposes that cannot be replaced by online platforms.

One of the primary reasons why public museums and art galleries remain indispensable is the immersive and tangible experience they offer. Being in the presence of a historic artifact or a masterpiece of art provides a unique sensory experience that cannot be replicated through a computer screen. For example, standing in front of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris allows one to appreciate its intricate brushstrokes, subtle color variations, and the enigmatic smile in a way that no digital reproduction can convey.

Public museums and art galleries also play a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage and promoting education. They serve as custodians of historical artifacts and artworks, ensuring their long-term preservation for future generations. These institutions provide a wealth of educational resources, including guided tours, workshops, and lectures, that enhance our understanding of history, art, and culture. For instance, the British Museum in London offers educational programs that engage visitors in interactive learning experiences, deepening their knowledge of world civilizations. Such immersive educational opportunities are essential for fostering intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and cultural understanding.

In conclusion, while technology has undeniably expanded access to historical objects and artworks, public museums and art galleries remain vital institutions that offer unique and irreplaceable experiences. The immersive encounters, preservation of cultural heritage, and educational opportunities make them indispensable.

Model Answer 2: [Agreement]

The advancements in technology have transformed the way we access information and engage with various forms of art and culture and will keep doing so. With the convenience of the internet, some argue that public museums and art galleries will become less relevant as people will be able to explore historical objects and artworks virtually. In this essay, I will present my agreement with this viewpoint, highlighting the benefits of online platforms in providing widespread access, convenience, and interactive experiences in the realm of art and culture.

One of the significant reasons we will need more virtual museums and art galleries is the unparalleled accessibility it offers. Virtual platforms provide an opportunity for people from all corners of the globe to experience art and culture, irrespective of geographical limitations. For instance, individuals living in remote areas or countries with limited cultural resources can now access renowned museums and galleries from the comfort of their homes. This inclusivity ensures that knowledge and appreciation of art are not limited to the privileged few, but rather accessible to a global audience. This is why we will no longer need to have physical museums and galleries that require a high cost of maintenance when we can access them online.

Online platforms will also enable individuals to engage with art and culture at their own pace and convenience. Unlike physical museums and galleries that have specific visiting hours and capacity limits, virtual platforms allow individuals to explore at any time and from any location. This flexibility is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules, limited mobility, or other constraints that may hinder their ability to visit physical institutions. Furthermore, the interactive features of virtual platforms, such as 360-degree tours, high-resolution images, and detailed descriptions, enhance the overall experience and understanding of the artwork.

In conclusion, the rise of online platforms for accessing historical objects and artworks has significantly expanded the reach and impact of art and culture. The accessibility, convenience, and interactive experiences offered by virtual museums and galleries make them an invaluable resource for individuals worldwide.


Sample Answer 3: [Disagreement]

We live in the age of computers and the Internet, and with the tap of the finger, we can get virtually any information we need. 3D presentations and 360-degree tours of museums, art galleries, streets, oceans, hills and virtually any place in the world are quite fascinating. This fire up the debate about whether we need to have public places like museum and art galleries. Personally, I quite disagree with the notion and believe that online information can never replace the need of having real museums and art galleries.

First of all, we can present items online for display only when we have museums, art galleries, exhibitions, or collections of historic objects and artworks. Without the existence of museums and galleries, online collections of historic objects or works would never have existed. Second, museums and art galleries preserve the real objects while online presentation has nothing to do with preserving those invaluable works and objects. Moreover, museums and galleries are maintained by a group of experts who knows which objects or works are historically important and decide to preserve them. On the contrary, websites and online resources are often run by ordinary people and maintaining online authenticity is not always possible.

Again, museums and art galleries offer firsthand experience to the audiences and viewers and represent the history, tradition and important artworks of a country. The computer-based information of an important historic work or object can never do this. Online information about any particular artwork or historic object is a great way to learn about it but it can never be compared with the human experience of observing them personally.

In conclusion, online presentation of historic places and artworks is a good way of letting people learn more about them but it is quite unrealistic that they would replace the real establishment of museums or art galleries around the world.

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