IELTS Essay – Why more young people study abroad than in home country?

IELTS sample Essay:

Essay Topic:  Discuss the reason why more young people study abroad than in home country.

Sample Answer:
Nowadays, more and more young people are interested to study in foreign countries rather than in their home country.  People have different reasons to study abroad. Some people think they can have high quality education by studying in the famous universities around the world while other people take it as an adventurous opportunity to see the world. This essay will discuss three common reasons why more young people study abroad: to receive better educational opportunities, to have better opportunities for future careers and to learn about different cultures and languages.

Young people of twenty-first century become more ambitious and want to study abroad as studying in a developed country gives a chance to the students from developing nations to get high quality education.

Some advanced courses such as nuclear energy or sophisticated technologies might not be available for the students to study locally. Studying abroad makes the students to access the course they are interested to learn. Studying abroad can gives a privilege for the young people to find out about the differences between education systems of foreign and home countries. Moreover, it also offers many openings for students to study in world’s most prestigious universities around the world and received internationally recognised degree.

It is generally accepted that people who study in foreign countries have fat chances to get better jobs and earn higher income. Employers usually impress the candidates who have a degree from a foreign country and assume that the experiences they have from studying abroad will largely contribute in their careers.

Studying abroad also can be seen as adventurous experiences as young people can see the world, meet people from different countries and learn different languages and culture. On the other hand, it would be challenging as one have to stay away from families and friends. Some people can have a cultural shock and find it difficult to communicate with people come from different backgrounds. However, it can be seen as a great privilege to be independent, make friends and learn new things. It is the easiest way to learn a language and have an exposure of different traditions and cultures.

It is clear that more young people plan to study abroad rather than in home country with various reasons. Some wants to get better educational opportunities when other wants to learn new languages and cultures. With the wide range of advantages of studying in foreign countries, it is no doubt that it will continue to be popular among young people in the future.

[ Written by – Htet Htet ]

3 thoughts on “IELTS Essay – Why more young people study abroad than in home country?

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