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This website is moderated, maintained and updated by:

Md. Razibul Hassan (Business Analyst, Creative Writer & IELTS Adviser),
Lucy Marris [ Careers Adviser (UK), TEFL teacher (Vietnam) ]
Md. Selim Shakhawat Hossain  (Deputy product manager, Global Brand Pvt. Ltd.)
Leen Oliver (IELTS Teacher, UK )

If you have any query, suggestion or question to ask, simply forward an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Nandita Sen
Dear Concern,

I have been following your website for the past few months for IELTS writing 2 essays. I have been extremely mesmerized by some of the essays written by one of your professional essayists. I am very keen to know about him or her. Could you kindly let me know the name of the author of the essay "Some companies have uniforms for their staff"? I would be extremely obliged.

Thanking you in anticipation.