IELTS Band Score Calculator

IELTS Overall Band Score Calculator:

This calculator takes your band scores in 4 sections and then calculates the overall band score from it (Applicable for both Academic and GT test takers). 

Enter the band scores of individual modules and this calculator will calculate your overall band score considering half and full band score system.


   Your Band Score

 Your Listening band:

   (Out of 9)

Your Reading band:

   (Out of 9)

Your Speaking band:

   (Out of 9)

Your Writing band:

   (Out of 9)

Overall Band Score

Academic Module Band Score Calculator

If you are an Academic IELTS test taker, insert your raw score (number of correct answers) and find the corresponding band score for this module.

Academic IETLS

    Score out of 40

 Your Band Score

Listening raw score:


Reading raw score:


Academic Speaking:


Academic Writing:


GT Module Band score Calculator

If you are a General Training IELTS candidate, enter your raw score (number of correct answers) and find the corresponding band score for this module.


    Score out of 40

 Your Band Score

Listening raw score:


Reading raw score:


GT Speaking:


GT Writing:


Interested to learn how IELTS band score is calculated?

Click on "How IELTS is scored?" and learn everything you need to know regarding IETLS Scoring System.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.69 (39 Votes)

I would like to inform you that, there is a difference between your website and the official website of the British Council when calculating the mark of the reading part, based on the number of correct answers. For instance, if someone has 20 correct answers on your website they will get 4.5. However, according to the official website, the mark will be 5.5. So could you please explain that?

Your faithfully.

Hi, I am looking for a speaking partner and planning to appear for the IELTS test on 6th February. So seriously interested candidates, please do contact me on +919780828810.
My number is 9780828810.
Hi, I was using this website for most of my reading and I really do recommend it. I didn't have much time (20 days) to prepare. Still, I got 7.5 for reading and overall 7 in academic. Thanks.
Sir, please update this.
7.25 = 7.5 (not 7).
Vishnu Reddy
How can I correct my essay and letter writings through your website? Please help with my online exam also.
How can I write writing task 2 intoduction? Please tell me?
Stella Uzbekistan
In the IELTS listening test, you should get 26 in order to get a 6 band score, not 23 correct answers. It is definitely an accurate fact for reading but not for listening.
How can I correct my essay and letter writings through your website? Please help about my online exam also.
Let me know the band score system.
Sajal Islam
The calculator gives wrong information in case of 7+7+7.5+7.5 scoring. The overall band score should be 7.5, though it calculates 7!
Shahzad Khan
Thanks for all these tips. It is helpful for students who want to learn more.