Writing Task 2 Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 (also known as IELTS Essay Writing) is the second task of your IELTS Writing test. Here, you will be presented with an essay topic and you will be scored based on your ability to respond to the topic.

You need to write at least 250 words and justify your opinion with arguments, discussion, examples, problem outlining, proposing possible solutions and supporting your position. You will have approximately 40 minutes to finish your Essay Writing. IELTS Writing Task 2 carries more weights than Writing Task 1.

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Title Hits
IELTS Essay 220 - The way many people interact with each other has changed 707182
IELTS Essay # 221 - Parents should teach children how to be good members of society 589778
IELTS Essay # 217 - Children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school 583171
IELTS Essay # 18 - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a car 567974
IELTS Essay # 1110 - Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads 559704
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 673 - Environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve 514639
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 1 - People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons 511430
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 33 - Compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city to living in the country side 480293
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 2 - Nowadays food has become easier to prepare 464487
IELTS Essay # 49 - Young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year 461159
IELTS Essay # 218 - Unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school 438618
IELTS Essay # 456 - The best way to solve traffic and pollution problems 433598
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 501 - Today more people are travelling than ever before 427024
IELTS Essay # 22 - Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students 419071
IELTS Essay # 228 - Some people are born with certain talents 405169
IELTS Essay # 500 - In some countries the average weight of people is increasing 404284
IELTS Essay # 498 - Every year several languages die out 396975
IELTS Essay # 92 - Sense of competition in children should be encouraged 393688
IELTS Essay # 39 - Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish 385876
IELTS Essay # 287 - Fixed punishments for each type of crime 381566