Band 9 Essays are accurately structured, have a rich vocabulary and a variety of sentence structures, to begin with. They also satisfyingly answer the questions, give relevant examples and maintain coherence and cohesion. When preparing for IELTS Writing Task 2/IELTS Essay, many students prefer to read and observed how a band 9 essay is written. Reading a few band 9 IELTS essays is not only helpful in finding out how they are structured but also for increasing confidence. Here are a few "band 9 essay samples" before exploring how to write them.

Band 9 IELTS Essay # 1:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The environmental problems that today's world is facing are so great that there is little ordinary people can do to improve the situation. So government and large organizations should be responsible for reducing the amount of damage being done to the environment.

The what extent do you agreed or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay:
Governments, in many countries, are trying to curb environmental problems, and a significant piece of this effort is to aware people of environmental issues and climate change. It is shocking how small things like our diet habits or fashion sense can contribute to environmental damage. So without involving ordinary citizens, the environment can not be saved.

To begin with, mother nature is deteriorating with every passing day and without awareness among ordinary citizens and their active involvement, it cannot be protected. We, as ordinary citizens, are constantly contributing to global warming, pollution and climate change. The car we drive exhausts carbon dioxide, the dresses we wear require a huge amount of fibres and water, the plastic bags we use end up in the water, and even the diet we follow can increase the possibility of climate change. Thus, if people are not made cognizant of their actions that are directly or indirectly responsible for global warming, they won't fully comprehend the gravity of the intricacies and won't feel responsible. Climate change is so large a problem that only governments and large organizations can't work to find a solution for that and a coordinated effort is required.

It is undeniable that some countries have taken serious steps to curb environmental problems and our leaders are meeting frequently to discuss it. Restrictions are being in place on gas emissions, fossils fuel use, plastic production and use, and alternative sources of green energy are being researched and invested. But if the efforts are not made at an individual level, the magnitude of damage and pollutions would far outstrip the efforts. Besides, scientists, engineers, environmentalists and authorities may come out with proposals and invest money in research, but they can't control the amount of plastic bags we use and throw away without recycling. Every environmental problem is related to our human lifestyle and unconsciousness and it is high time to include a syllabus about environmental protection in our school. We have got only one planet to live on and we must save it.

To conclude, whatever we do to the environment will return and affect us and all levels of education should emphasize how we can be more responsible to protect it. A joint approach by the authority and mass people can only make it happen.


Band 9 IELTS Essay # 2:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay:
Restricting information for some vague security reasons is not democratic or rational according to some while others express that information should be available only when the necessity arrives. Both views have some justification, and I firmly believe that scientific studies, universities, research institutions and businesses can benefit the whole nation if all information is made accessible to them.

To begin with, sensitive information, that could be used to breach security, manipulate the stock market, create a market monopoly or trade with terrorists, should be scrutinized before making them publicly accessible. In this digital era, information spread like wildfire and for the sake of maintaining global peace, it should be delimited, according to many. For instance, if nuclear technology is shared with all nations for scientific studies, the world will soon stand on the verge of obliteration, despite an inconceivable possibility this technology possesses to facilitate all nations.
On the contrary, scientific research largely depends on available data and previous discoveries. If valuable information and past findings are not shared openly with academics and researchers, global progress will become standstill. For instance, the Internet is probably the most significant invention the modern world has seen and if this technology had not been shared by the US military, we would still be living in the pre-internet era. Moreover, restricted information has no value if they are not used to solve any real-world problem and thus curbing them is like imprisoning human potential. Finally, world history suggests that humankind has advanced due to discoveries and inventions shared with the world as each finding went through profound modification and advancement. I thus personally favour the ideology that supports "free information for all".

In conclusion, information has limited value when it is restrained and not shared. For true global progress, restrictions on valuable information should be debarred and let people know the truth instead of keeping them in darkness.


Band 9 IELTS Essay # 3:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay:
Global warming and environmental degradation are happening faster than we can realise, and they are threatening our very existence on this planet. Since fossil fuels are one of the major culprits for this degradation, I believe that the adoption of alternative energy sources, in many parts of the world, is a positive development, and their use should be widely encouraged.

With the rapid increase in population, vehicles and industries, the demand for energy worldwide is increasing. As a consequence, the strains on the existing and already limited resources are also growing in many developing countries. To solve this puzzle, we must consider two issues -  how to better use the existing and limited fossil fuel resources; and how to encourage the use of alternative energy sources. It is universally acknowledged that there is a limitation on the use of fossil fuels, especially coal and oil. Some countries are rich in oil deposits like OPEC, whereas China is rich in coal deposits and Russia in natural gas. Others, such as Japan and Germany, are completely dependent on the import of resources. For all countries — resource-rich versus resource-poor, alternative energy, also known as green energy, should be encouraged and utilised to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels as well as to keep the global environment in balance and 'healthy'.

It seems like turning to alternative sources of energy is the only solution to this ominous problem. Luckily, wind and solar power are already existing and feasible alternatives. France is one country, for example, that has the advanced technology needed to produce extremely efficient solar panels to store energy from the sun. Both kinds of power can reduce a country's dependence on fossil fuels. Furthermore, they do not pollute the environment and, in turn, help keep the ecosystem stable. If this switch to alternative energy is encouraged early enough, then we may yet avoid the pending energy crisis and the catastrophic end of our mother planet.

In conclusion, while fossil fuel resources are diminishing, the energy demand globally is increasing each year. It is a positive trend to develop other alternatives to replace these traditional energy resources, and it is a good sign that many countries have already started using them.

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