Cue Cards Samples with band 8 answers

One of your birthdays you remember well - Cue Card # 297

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe one of your own birthdays you remember well.

You should say:

  • how old you were then
  • how you celebrated this birthday
  • what you did

and explain why you remember this birthday so well.


Model Answer 1:

Sometimes, I really wonder why we celebrate on losing a complete year of our life. But, then again, at the same time, I also think about the gift of life which is given to us in the form of an additional year. And, the gift of this additional year is certainly worth celebrating just like I celebrated my 22nd birthday.

My 22nd birthday was indeed special because that year I finished my university studies. Besides, my parents also had finally decided to allow me to go and live in a big city so that I could find my dream job. All in all, things looked good for me, and so when some of my friends insisted that my 22nd birthday would need to be celebrated in a special manner, I had to agree with them. 

After that, we all agreed that we would celebrate the birthday at a top-class hotel in town except, of course, I didn’t have enough money to pay the charge. Luckily, all of my friends decided to chip in to share the cost, and we were all set to celebrate my 22nd birthday in a grand style. We hired one of the famous music bands in my country to entertain us. I also decided to invite my most favourite university teachers in addition to all of my friends to join the party.

The party started around 9:00 pm and continued until midnight. But, we all enjoyed the party so much that we forgot about the time. The food and snacks were great and the music was very stimulating. And as for the birthday gifts, I don’t think that I had ever had so many of them in my life before!

Anyway, I remember the birthday so well because all of my friends attended it. Besides, the congratulatory speech from my favourite teacher from the university was the best motivational speech that someone has ever given to me. That birthday made me feel that indeed how blessed and lucky I really was to have so many well-wishers around me.


Sample Answer 2:

I have recently turned to 25 and last year my family and friends arranged a birthday that became a remarkable day for me and I will always remember this birthday. It was my 24th birthday and I was in the final year of my University. I had an exam approaching and had no plan to visit my hometown and celebrate my birthday. But my friends planned to surprise me on my birthday and also asked my parents and siblings to join them on that day.

I went outside at around 9 pm. And returned after an hour and noticed that my parents and siblings have come to the house I stay with my friends and classmates. I knew that my family members came to celebrate my birthday. I was bit confused as I had no preparation for that and I felt a bit lost about the whole event.

When the clock ticked to 12.01 am, my friends started unfurling their surprises for me and that included a four-storied cake, numerous gifts and music festival. I enjoyed this birthday occasion thoroughly and to my surprise, my friends invited some of their cousins as well.

I was mostly speechless and continuously thanked my friends for the great preparation they did for my birthday celebration. I spent the night with my friends, we watched a movie late at night and finally, I went to sleep in the early morning.

This is a very surprise party for me and the friends I was talking about taking a great burden to arrange everything to celebrate this occasion. They even invited my parents and siblings so that they can also be part of the whole celebration. It was quite a different birthday celebration for me and I remember it very well. The gifts that I got on that were very expensive including Kindle Fire, iPod, Gymnasium instrument and many other gifts. I was very much touched by the whole event and it took me by surprise. That is why this has become a part of my memory and I can recall the whole event very clearly. 

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  1. Describe a birthday celebration you recently participated in. 
  2. Describe a memorable event in your life. 
  3. Describe a party or celebration you remember well. 
  4. Describe a birthday party you remember.
  5. Describe how you would organise a surprise party for a friend. 
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