IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers

IELTS Speaking Sample 3

IELTS Speaking Mock Test 3 [Band score 8/9]

Part 1 Topic: Friends.
Part 2 Topic: Describe an interesting historic place.
Part 3 Topic: 'Looking after historic places' & 'The teaching of history at school'.

PART 1 - Introduction

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.…]

Topic: Friends.

Q.  Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? [Why?]
A. Most of my friends are contemporary to me in terms of their age. But yes, I have few friends who are senior to me and I can remember having 2-3 friends who are younger than I am. Basically, most of my friends are from my college and that’s why naturally they are mostly my age. I have few friends from my locality and they became my friends because we played together and shared many common interests. Somehow in my locality, young people prefer playmates of their age. This is one of the main reasons they belong to my age group.

Q. Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends? [Why?]
A. That depends on the circumstances. However, I see my college friends almost every single day during the weekdays as we have classes together. Sometimes, I meet them during the weekend as well since we plan our weekends and holidays together. The friends who have some sort of part-time jobs, mostly meet me on their weekends.

Q. The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
A. A couple of days ago I went to watch a movie at a nearby cineplex with my friends. The cineplex was showing a recently-released Hollywood movie and we planned to watch it together. On that day, we ate our lunch together in a restaurant and we talked about the European Football league final. We had much fun together and that was a great hangout with my friends.

Q. In what ways are your friends important to you?
A.  My friends are important to me in many ways. Firstly, they share many common interests that I have, and that’s why I enjoy talking to them and spending time with them. I never feel bored or get out of topics while I am with them. We often have lively conversations among us about our studies, future plans and personal interests. They are indeed very good friends of mine as they have often extended their helping hands in my crisis time.

My friends often plan activities that I find exciting and thrilling. They share their class notes and study materials with me and that’s quite helpful for my studies. In fact, friends are the persons with whom we can share everything and my friends listen to my thoughts very attentively. I play for weekends with them, study with them, share my thoughts and opinion and that’s why they have a special place in my life.


PART 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card


Describe an interesting historic place.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • where it is located
  • what you can see there now

and explain why this place is interesting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Click here for the answer of this Cue Card Topic


PART 3 - Detailed-discussion

Discussion topics: Looking after historic places.

Q. How do people in your country feel about protecting historic buildings?
A. Most of the people in my country would advocate protecting any significant historic building. The historic buildings in my country are the icons of our heritage and we feel very proud to have them. It is not unlikely for people to protest against any plans or activities that might negatively affect our tradition and historical significance, including those building.

I can recall an event from my college days when our teachers asked us to leave the classroom and take part in a rally that would march towards the local administrative complex to protest a decision taken by the local authority to diminish an old building to establish a hospital there. This old building was more than 90 years old and it was once a part of the early ‘independence movement’ in our country against the invaders of a foreign power. The protest took a great shape and people stayed there until the local authority assured that they will talk to the higher authority about it. The protest continued to grow and eventually, after a few weeks, it won its victory when an alternative landscape was chosen to build the hospital. In fact, these types of events in my country are not rare and that shows our feelings about the historic buildings.

Q. Do you think an area can benefit from having an interesting historic place locally? In what way?
A. An impressive historic place encourages national and international tourists to travel to this area, and this, in terms of tourism and economic development, is very important. Local people get many benefits from a renowned tourist spot including employment opportunity, better exposure of their culture and custom to the world, and finally, they get many development-works in their area since the government invests in promoting the area.

Apart from that, having a historic place is an area is a matter of pride and people of such area can easily describe their hometown or locality to the people of other parts of the country.

Q. What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future? Why?
A. I think the prominent and popular historic places and buildings which are famous among national and international tourists would survive and the government would try to preserve them because of their historic and economic significance. Besides, many other historic places which are the part of the national pride would also continue to exist as they are known throughout the country and government would take care of such places.

However, there are many historic buildings and places that are less popular. Such buildings and places might face catastrophic destiny in a distant future. As the population of our country is increasing rapidly, the necessity would appear to diminish such buildings and to establish new multi-storey buildings. I guess such less important historic buildings and places would cease to exist after a few decades when the generation of that time would give less priority to their past heritage than their present necessity.


Discussion topics: The teaching of history at school.

Q. How were you taught history when you were at school?
A. I mostly learned about history from our academic books besides a few journals and TV programmes that I read and watched. Our teachers emphasized on the history that was part of our academic curriculum and some of the teachers were really good at explaining significant national and international historic events in details. Sometimes the school arranged day-long trips to different historical places as part of our class activities and the local tour guides told us a lot about the historical significance of such places.

We also learned from the stories we heard from our relatives and teachers about many historical events, especially about our struggles for achieving a sovereign country, and about the First and Second World Wars. Sometimes the teachers inspired us to read history books and gave us assignments on particular historical events and we had to complete our assignments as part of our academic exams. This was an excellent way to learn more about history.

Q. Are there other ways people can learn about history, apart from at school? How?
A. Definitely, there are many other ways people can learn about history, and that varies from reading books, watching history channel to travelling to historically important places.

Books offer us an excellent opportunity to learn about the history of the world. If someone is interested in learning history, he has countless options to read famous and resourceful books. Apart from that, many television channels, like History Channel, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel etc. offer excellent documentaries on history that can be very helpful for learning about world history. Besides, when people travel to different places, they can also learn more about history.

In fact, there are many different ways of learning about history than to be taught history in the classroom by teachers and an inquisitive person has many options to learn about history.

Q. Do you think history will still be a school subject in the future? Why?
A.  I most certainly believe that history shall always be a part of school syllabus in the near and far future. The fundamentals of the history and its importance are learned from the school and that has a lasting impact on students. The inquisitiveness about history is formed among students when the teachers explain some great historic events in the classroom. The significance of history can never be denied as it teaches us our past, our ancestors and the world our grandparents used to live in. Those lessons create our impression and concept about the world we live in.

We can’t build a glorious future without knowing our past and the school plays an important role in forming our curiosity in history. That’s why I believe that history will always be a major subject in schools in the future.

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Muhammad Abdullah Al Sadik
An excellent effort.
I need speaking partners. If anyone wants to do that, please inform me. My Instagram account is rostamiii.aliasghar.
I want to speak to you because I need a speaking partner.
Me too. How can I contact you?
Sai Kiran
Speaking partners required.
I need speaking partners. My Skype id is "Sok jokeochandpich".
Hey, me too. Good luck!
I need someone to talk too. We can a have practice if you want to?
Do you have an Instagram account? Contact me, I will partner with you for practice.
Anu said :
Anybody here who can help me in IELTS speaking? I have IELTS test on 29 July. Please contact me very soon.

Anybody here who can help me in IELTS speaking? I have IELTS test on 29 July. Please contact me very soon.
I also need speaking partners.
Gurwinder Singh
I want to improve my writing skill. So please help me.
Amrit Sandhu
Communication with each other is the best weapon to learn any language. So go for it and show your skills and improve your speaking.
Amrit Sandhu
Send your Skype account to join for speaking. I need to improve my speaking skill.
Amrit Sandhu
I will join you for improving my speaking skills. Please give me your Skype id.
I also need a partner. My IELTS test will be on 20th May, this year.
Hello, I am also searching for a speaking partner. If you wish we can continue.
I need speaking partners for IELTS.
Hi, guys. I am going to sit for IELTS exam very soon. I need help from you friends. Is there anyone who can be my speaking partner?
Alii Shah
I'm going to appear in my IELTS test on 3rd September. Pray for my best grades in the test. Thanks...
Abdul Basit
Yeah, I really like this format or pattern of speaking test for IELTS. I think a new learner gets more information and tips from here and he/she is satisfied and also know about three parts of this module briefly. I suggest a new learner must take a general idea from here and prepare herself for IELTS speaking test ...Thanks for joining meRegards - A Basit.
I want to improve my speaking skill.
IELTS Mentor
We have started updating this section and hopefully, the answers would be helpful for our visitors to generate ideas how to answer the questions asked in the IELTS Speaking Section. Keep in touch.
sal said :
y u need answers dude..speak ur self
OK, dude.

Why do you need answers dude? Speak yourself.
Phani Krishna
Where are the answers, dude?