IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1112 - Not enough of the waste from homes is recycled

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.

To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: [Agreement]

The issue of waste management and recycling has become increasingly significant in today's world, with concerns about environmental sustainability and resource conservation. Therefore, some argue that making recycling a legal requirement is necessary to increase the recycling rate, and I tend to agree with this opinion.

To commence with, enacting laws to mandate recycling can be an effective way to create a sense of responsibility among individuals and businesses. When recycling becomes a legal requirement, people are more likely to perceive it as a civic duty and comply with recycling guidelines. Similarly, companies would be more responsible in their waste management and recycling endeavour. Countries that have implemented recycling laws have witnessed a significant increase in recycling rates. For example, in countries like Germany and South Korea, recycling is legally enforced, resulting in higher recycling rates and reduced strain on landfills.

Moreover, recycling laws can provide a framework for waste management and ensure that recycling facilities are adequately funded and accessible to the public. When governments establish comprehensive recycling policies, they invest in infrastructure and systems that facilitate the collection, sorting, and processing of recyclable materials. This creates a more organised and efficient recycling process, increasing the likelihood that people will participate in recycling initiatives. For instance, countries like Sweden have implemented extensive recycling programmes, where households are provided with recycling bins and efficient waste management systems to encourage recycling at the source.

In conclusion, laws can be a powerful tool in driving behavioural change and promoting recycling. So it is essential to impose new laws and revise existing ones to make sure businesses and individuals are essentially participating in the recycling process. This would help create a greener and more environmentally conscious society that understands that recycling is required for a better environment.

Sample Answer 2: [Disagreement]

Proper waste management and recycling have become critical concerns in today's world, with increasing awareness about environmental sustainability and the need to reduce waste. While some advocate for making recycling a legal requirement to boost recycling rates, I believe that a solely legal approach may not be the most effective solution. Instead, a combination of voluntary initiatives, public education, and incentives can be more successful in encouraging people to recycle more of their waste.

Imposing recycling as a legal requirement might lead to superficial compliance without a genuine commitment from individuals. In contrast, encouraging voluntary participation fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among people towards environmental conservation. When individuals choose to recycle voluntarily, they are more likely to be motivated by intrinsic factors, such as environmental consciousness and a desire to contribute positively to society. In the absence of legal obligations, such voluntary actions can be more authentic and sustainable. For example, in Japan, there are numerous community-based recycling programmes where citizens actively participate and take pride in their recycling efforts. This approach has resulted in high recycling rates without the need for strict legal enforcement.

Moreover, raising public awareness about the importance of recycling and its positive impact on the environment can lead to a more profound and lasting change in people's behaviour. Educational campaigns can highlight the consequences of excessive waste generation and the benefits of recycling, motivating individuals to take proactive steps towards responsible waste management. Governments can collaborate with educational institutions, media, and community organizations to spread awareness about recycling and sustainable waste practices.

Incentive-based programs can also play a significant role in encouraging recycling. By offering rewards, discounts, or recognition to individuals and businesses that actively participate in recycling, governments can create a sense of achievement and motivation for recycling. For instance, some cities have implemented recycling reward programmes, where households receive points or benefits for their recycling efforts, which can be redeemed at local businesses.

In conclusion, while the idea of making recycling a legal requirement is well-intentioned, I believe that a voluntary and incentive-based approach can be more effective in promoting recycling behaviours. Encouraging individuals to recycle of their own volition, backed by public education and incentives, can lead to a genuine and sustainable commitment to waste reduction and environmental conservation.

Sample Answer 3: [Agreement]

People’s participation in waste recycling and legal requirements regarding this is a moot issue. Whether people should spontaneously take part in the recycling process or governments should make it a legal obligation needs a thorough discussion. I personally believe that governments should impose laws and severely fine the violators to ensure proper waste recycling.

To commence with, waste recycling is done by the state and citizens are expected to properly separate the recyclable and non-recyclable garbage and pack them accordingly while dumping them in recycle bins. They are expected to cooperate greatly in the recycling process. However, it is a strange fact that many people do not partake in it spontaneously either from their negligence or from their lack of time to do so. Therefore, making it a law and imposing fines for violating it can greatly improve people's participation in recycling.

Moreover, it is a harsh truth that many people abide by rules only from the concern of punishment or fine, not from their conscience. For instance, when the penalty for traffic rule violations went up last year, people started following them in my city. Similarly, if laws are introduced and the authority starts penalising, more people would recycle more of their household waste.

Finally, waste recycling is essential to protect our environment, and we already have many rules to protect our environment. While deforestation is a severe crime in my country, there is no visible law for not recycling waste. This is why people are very careless about their waste management in our country. Therefore, proper laws related to waste recycling are required.

In conclusion, most of the citizens in our country already know about the importance of saving the environment and how individual efforts of recycling can improve environmental conditions. Since many of them still do not take part in waste recycling, there is no alternative than to impose laws to have this done.

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Kamal Panthi
If the question asks to what extent/give your opinion essay?
Emmanuel Olal
The explosion in the global population over the last century resulted in a massive increase in urban populations with a proportionate rise in the volumes of both degradable and non-biodegradable wastes. Poor handling of garbage is a critical public health concern in many cities around the world, more so in developing countries. This essay will discuss measures the government can employ to both reduce as well as improve waste disposals.

Municipal and city council authorities are the main agencies responsible for urban garbage management; despite the boom in urban populations, these institutions continue to be underfunded by the government. A case in point is Kampala, the capital city of Uganda; it has been ranked as one of the dirtiest cities in the world because of the insufficient funding of the city’s garbage management department. There is, therefore, a need to increase budgetary allocations towards refuse management if town authorities are to function better.

Equally important is the need to promote vigilance and proactive behaviour among citizens. Domestic wastes constitute a significant percentage of urban garbage. Due to irresponsible conduct, the trashes from settlements find their way into trenches, water reservoirs and relaxation parks. It is imperative that government not only strengthen the existing policies but also use punitive measures to deter the urban populace from littering; nevertheless, this should be implemented concurrently with public awareness campaigns on better waste disposal practices.

By prioritizing garbage management, governments can thus contribute immeasurably to environmental conservation efforts and the prevention of epidemic outbreaks.

Farina Fahmideh
Hi, is this an opinion question or solution question?
Zari Nouri
In recent years, improving recycling by encouraging people to participate in the process has been one of the main aims of governments and politicians all around the world. This goal is not restricted to developed countries, which have enough budget to spend on recycling centres, but is also evident among developing countries. Recycling is the process of converting waste materials to reusable objects and has several benefits to our planet. I think making recycling a legal requirement would accelerate this process. Obviously, making recycling a legal requirement has a powerful effect on societies and will force people to recycle more of their wastage. There are many steps that governments can take to improve recycling. Firstly, a proper policy should be adopted to encourage people to separate recyclable materials from their rubbish. Secondly, necessary rules and regulations should be implemented against not recycling of household wastages. Furthermore, careless people who violate these rules and do not abide by laws should be penalised. However, there are other important ways to improve recycling. For example, public awareness about the importance of recycling should be raised through media. Children and pupils should get familiar with recycling in their schools. Moreover, recycling facilities should be increased in cities and towns. Some people believe if there were easy-to- reach recycle bins, they would be more encouraged to participate in the recycling process. Overall, although I agree that mandatory laws will play the most important role in improving recycling, I cannot deny the positive impacts of other alternative ways.