IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer (band score 8-9)
IELTS Essay # 25 - Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood
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- Last Updated: Monday, 16 May 2022 14:22
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IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic:
Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your answer with examples and relevant evidence.
You should write at least 250 words.
Model Answer 1: (Disagreement)
We live in a modern era where equality is being promoted everywhere including in workplaces, society and even families. This is why child-rearing should be a responsibility that is shared by both parents.
To begin with, traditional roles of males and females are changing, and in some cases, have gone completely reversed. This is why the predefined responsibilities of mothers and fathers are a thing of the past. Traditionally, a mother takes charge of everyday activities of bringing up children, whereas a father is responsible for providing the basics for the children as well as the family. With a shifting trend when engineering universities have more female graduates and males have paternal leaves, this is no longer applicable. Rather a father should share those daily activities, spend as much time as possible with the family, play with the children, read to them, take them out or even clean their diapers, whereas capable females should share the financial responsibilities.
Moreover, a child needs both parents' care, love and attention to properly grow up. Research proves that attention from both parents often instils better qualities and emotional balance in them than in children who grow up without the attention of both. The concept of "fatherhood" is not easy to achieve especially in countries where economic and employment situations are stressful. However, a little effort from both parents can ensure a shared responsibility and better family bonds in which children get the proper care.
In conclusion, parents in modern times should be ready to share their responsibilities for the greater benefit of the child and their family. This is why fatherhood should be as much important as motherhood.
Model Answer 2: (Disagreement)
For nine to ten months, a woman endures the drastic physiological and emotional changes that pregnancy brings about. Because of this, a woman has the greatest right to decide on whether she will have a child or not. An ideology exists that because women take full responsibility for decisions about childbearing, she also is responsible for rearing the child. I believe that this idea is absolutely faulty.
Firstly, decisions on childbearing may be greatly affected by the woman's choice. However, other factors are also considered such as a couple's financial ability to support a child's growth. Aside from that, parenthood is a shared responsibility. A father's role is not limited to sperm donation but also includes changing diapers in the middle of the night. Also, a father should always be involved in child rearing because there are activities that are best suited to be done by a father figure, such as bringing the child to a sports event. Consequently, a child who rarely sees one's father creates a negative perception of him and may possibly create a stronger relationship with the mother alone.
In addition, women are different in the modern era. More women are breaking the traditional view that they are confined to the four wall of the home as a housewife. Therefore, there should be a joint agreement between both parents to divide the tasks. To cite an example, a mother would send the child to school while a father will be in charge of picking up the child after class.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that it is time to abolish the idea of putting the entire child rearing work on women. The idea of shared parenthood must be implemented to keep up with the change in family dynamics that occurred over the years.
[Word Count =298 | Written by - Denise Tubat ]
Model Answer 3: (Neutral Notion)
I believe that child-rearing should be the responsibility of both parents and that, whilst the roles within that partnership may be different, they are nevertheless equal in importance. In some societies, it has been made easier over the years for single parents to raise children on their own. However, this does not mean that the traditional family, with both parents providing emotional support and role-models for their children, is not the most satisfactory way of bringing up children.
Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is how we define 'responsible for bringing the children up'. At its simplest, it could mean giving the financial support necessary to provide a home, food and clothes and making sure the child is safe and receives an adequate education. This would be the basic definition.
There is, however, another possible way of defining that part of the quotation. That would say it is not just a father's responsibility to provide the basics for his children, while his wife involves herself in the everyday activity of bringing them up. Rather, he should share those daily duties, spend as much time as his job allows with his children, play with them, read to them, help directly with their education, participate very fully in their lives and encourage them to share his.
It is this second, fuller, concept of 'fatherhood' that I am in favour of, although I also realise how difficult it is to achieve sometimes. The economic and employment situation in many countries means that jobs are getting more, not less, stressful, requiring long hours and perhaps long journeys to work as well. Therefore it may remain for many a desirable ideal rather than an achievable reality.
Sample Answer 4:
Traditionally, gender role issue has always discriminated women and it is considered a woman to be responsible for the upbringing of children. Nowadays, these traditions are changing gradually. It is agreed that both parents should share these responsibilities and at the same time should support each other. This can be proved by looking at how fathers who spend the whole day with their children can be a good motivator for them and mothers are becoming the bread-earners for the family. Also, it is agreed that fathers motivate their children more than mothers do. For example, males are more interested towards sports activities.
Firstly, some people argue that mother should take care of the Family, especially the kids; however these thoughts have changed over the time and nowadays fathers have started sharing parental and domestic responsibilities. So, by taking their children to sports events such as football matches, swimming, etc. will develop an interest for sports in them. This shows that fathers can motivate a child to become a sports person.
Secondly, the tradition of women is to stay at home and bringing up children have changed and women have started taking work from all fields, along with this they also take care of their children. For instance, it has been seen that many working women take maternity leave during and after their pregnancy period and continue to work after these leaves. Some women prefer to do work from home if provided by their employer. In some cases, women may have better career prospects than their husbands. So, the father had to take paternity leave and become a househusband, which is becoming more common nowadays. Thus, it is clear from the above discussion women can be a bread-earning person for a family.
Following this look at how both parents share responsibility for caring their children. Thus, it has been proven that fathers are equally responsible for the upbringing of their children.
Essay Topic:
"Fatherhood ought to be emphasised as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up."
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample Answer 5:
In the past, it was a common custom that the one who was responsible for the upbringing of children - was the mother only; the fathers' responsibility was to earn the livings and provide a good life. However, a change in the belief took place in the previous few years; nowadays, some people claim that fatherhood should be emphasised much more. Although some people see that fathers must contribute in the bringing up of children and it's not only mother's responsibility, other people still see that it's only mother's responsibility.
"Of course me and my husband, George!" said Miss Karmen when she was asked who was in charge of bringing up her child, she added, "Oh, I really cannot do this alone; my child needs both of us". If a child interacts and plays with his mother only, that will lead to improper dealing with other people including his dad. The fact that father for money and mother for upbringing is absolutely outdated.
A kid needs both the father and mother's care but father would be mostly busy at works so ultimately the mother would have to spend more time with the kind. But the father should spend as much time as possible with his kids after getting back from the work.
Actually, some people still adhere to their point of view regardless the prior information claiming that parents must contribute, yet in their way; each one is responsible for only one thing. We have an example, Robert Frans, a teacher in a high school in Australia; he said: "Why I have to tire myself more, it's my wife's own business". For me I actually think that fatherhood ought to be emphasised, but not as much as motherhood. I think mothers' share in upbringing should be more than that of fathers.
(Total words: 304 | Written by Abdullah Hassan)
Sample Answer 6:
In today's society, both parents play's an equal role in the family life to bring up the children. It is important to share their responsibilities equally to make their child as a good citizen of tomorrow. Hence, I strongly agree with the statement that looking after the children is the shared responsibility of the partners.
Firstly, in this advanced world, women are also educated as men are and in some cases, women are rather more talented than the men. It paves the way for them to work as well and be the breadwinners of the family. Moreover, nowadays, because of the high living expense and also in order to meet the basic needs of the children such as food, clothes, housing, adequate education and so in, it became mandatory for both members of the family to work.
Secondly, it is essential for a child to experience love and care from both father and mother to attain a good character. The idea is that the father needs to find leisure time to spend with the child and make him/her energetic by teaching outside sports instead of computer games. Likewise, the mother needs to take care of the behaviour and should teach good morals of life. As a result, the child will become healthy physically and emotionally.
On the other hand, there are many children in this world living with a single parent. Although they seem to be happier in front of the society, there would be something they lack in their personal life. If they were given an opportunity to share their feelings, definitely they will point out the values of family relationships. For instance, they must be sure that they would have done better in their life if they were brought up in a loving family with both mother and father.
To conclude, there is a saying that "Parents are the best role models for their children". Therefore, it is worth sharing their responsibilities among them to provide brighter future for their children.
(Total words: 333 | Written by John Antony)
Model Answer 7: (Neutral Notion)
Essay Topic: Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Sample Answer:
In modern societies, women have actively entered into the labour market and in many sectors, their number have even exceeded the number of men employees. Due to this fact, the roles of the two genders as parents have been modified and quite often is raised the issue whether both parents should be equally responsible for bringing up their children.
According to the family role model over the past years, women were assigned to all duties concerning the upbringing of the children, whereas men’s responsibility was to earn money and to provide the family with a good environment. This model of a family was functional from the primitive times until recently, for as long life wasn’t so complicated and so demanding as nowadays. This trend, however, has changed to a great extent in many parts of the world. With today’s social and economic development, the disparity between men and women has flattened out. In most families, both men and women have to work in order to keep good financial conditions into their family. But how should be made the decision of having babies and how should the raise of children be shared between parents in these cases ?
Parents have equal responsibility. The decision of having children should be made by both parents jointly and subsequently they should take part in the upbringing of their children evenly, as well. Raising children together is good for the child’s psychology and a prerequisite for the evolution of a child to an adult with integrated personality. Children who feel the absence of a parent are affected in a negative way. Although nowadays many single parents are raising their children successfully, it is important for children to have the best of both worlds.
The bottom line is that it takes two people to produce a baby and two people to raise a child in a balanced environment. I believe parents must both be attentive to a child’s life. Nature makes it possible for only a woman to bear a child but the task of upbringing should rest on both parents.
Essay Topic: Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic:
Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your answer with examples and relevant evidence.
Model Answer 8:
Traditionally women take the responsibility of nurturing and upbringing children in a family and that can be connected with many factors such as rules and stereotypes in our society. In recent days, fathers have been participating in children’s life more actively and I completely agree that fatherhood should be highly accentuated because this approach promotes all-round development of a child's overall growth.
First of all, fathers and mothers involve different streaks in their babies based on their characteristics. By playing with a mother, a child can become polite, sentimental, but by taking part in games and outdoor activities with a father, helps to develop the intellect, motor skills. Primarily this is connected with the type of activity because men prefer to build or design some objects, play to board games and woman like teaching a child to talk about feelings and build a relationship with other people.
Moreover, having contact with a man in a family will contribute to a positive attitude to gender development. A boy tries to replicate behaviours of his father and a girl makes attempt to be such as her mother. A good relationship with the head of the family can develop masculinity in a boy and femininity in a girl. As a result in adult life, these young women and men will able to build a positive relationship with future spouses.
Finally, people, who had a family with both parents where a father had played a significant role in children’s life, have succeeded in their career. This statement was confirmed by American scientists who have asked many people about their childhood, then they inferred that young people from a full family graduated a university frequenter than people without a father in their life.
Consequently, fatherhood can develop many positive streaks in modern children and we will not refuse from this opportunity following ancient stereotypes and choosing only motherhood such as the correct model of upbringing. Though mothers in many cases decide when to have a baby, they should take only half of the responsibility while the other half should be shared by the father.
[Written by - Nataly]
To commence with, childrearing responsibility is not only about buying toys, cooking food or changing diapers but more about integrating personality to the child. This responsibility varies according to the gender of the children; such that a baby girl is more influenced by her mother while a baby boy learns from and often mimic his father. So if both parents are not there for a baby, the child would not get enough support to become a good human being in the future.
Moreover, upbringing a child by only a mother or a father affects a child's growth negativity. For instance, if the father gets back home late and can’t give leisure time to kids, it may impact the ability of the kid. Secondly, women also have entered into the financial independence zone to support the family. That is why they cannot stay home all day long to take care of the baby. Therefore, sharing equal responsibility by both parents can only bring positive results both for the baby's growth and to have a supportive and sharing family with better financial capability.
In conclusion, a child needs the support of both parents and considering the changing roles in society, it is expected that both parents would be responsible for upbringing a child rather than following the traditional belief that only women are responsible for taking care of babies.
Written by - Mubasher Ali, Edited by Alex.