IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer (band score 8-9)

IELTS Essay Sample # 104 - Prevention is better than cure

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

"Prevention is better than cure."

Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

You should write at least 250 words.

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Model Essay 1: (Agreement)
Every day, people are dying from various health-related complexities and diseases due to the lack of proper health education and preventive actions. In many cases, those are preventable diseases. This is why the government should allocate a sum of money from the health budget for health education and preventive measures. I believe that it would offer a substantial number of benefits, and this essay will prove it by analysing the economic point of view of a country and the health aspects of people.

To commence with, many nations spend an enormous amount of money to treat their citizens who are already sick. This staggering cost would reduce if the state commences effective healthcare education by spending money on the health teaching system. As an example, if the administration explains to their citizens that smoking and drinking are so bad for humans through this educational programme, many people will end up quitting the bad habits. As can be clearly seen from this illustration, the idea may bring colossal economic benefit to the government.

Secondly, many governments treat patients with several serious diseases like diabetes and heart diseases, and it takes up a large portion of the healthcare budget. However, before these health problems assault citizens, some preventive measures can prevent them. For example, exercise, sports, and proper diet plans can decrease the chances of such diseases to a great extent. Building parks and playgrounds can influence people to do exercise more often which can protect people from developing these diseases. This can be achieved by investing in preventive measures.

In conclusion, the government should spend money on health education and preventive measures from the health budget because it helps prevent such diseases to become widespread while also reducing the cost of treating sick people. 

[ Written by - Ayub Ali ]


Model Answer 2: (Agreement)
It goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be combated by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education.

Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit paid by the state.

So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the 'proportion' of the budget "should be, particularly if the funds will be 'diverted from treatment'. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget should be spent in this way ' are not a matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model.

This is the point at which real problems occur - the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaigns are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for so that we can make an informed decision.


Model Answer 3: (Disagreement)
Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer: [Disagreement]

A government has various responsibilities to its citizens, and perhaps the most important of them all is ensuring proper "health care". There are different approaches to this, namely "prevention" versus "cure". This essay will explain why the treatment of patients is superior, using the case of tobacco as a clear example.

Firstly, health education has its limit and is not always effective. Over the last four decades, various Western governments have attempted to discourage smokers by placing surgeon’s warnings and revolting pictures and through different awareness campaigns. Yet smokers want to light up. Therefore, it seriously questions the government's endeavours of prevention rather than cure. Nevertheless, through the same period cancer treatment has improved considerably even producing beneficial spin-off discoveries for asthma patients. So, treatment is not only more effective but also has other benefits for the people in a society.

Secondly, even if prevention has solid evidence of being effective, there is the common cases of patients suffering by pure chance. For example, some people can suffer from lung cancer who have never been a smoker whereas people smoking a pack a day can escape such illness. Therefore, even having followed the government's guidance, there would still be a need for treatment. In addition, if the fund is diverted from research for cures to education, there would be little to help those ‘chance victims’.

To conclude, the prevention of diseases has failed considerably in many cases whereas proper treatment can help many patients to recover. This is why diverting budgets for health education or preventive measures is not a prudent idea.

[Written by - Ram]

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.79 (33 Votes)

"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is a fact that prevention is better than cure when it comes to our health. Treatment of disease and the research works done on any disease has many efforts physically as well as financially. In this essay, I will discuss, the responsibility of the government for taking more concern over prevention such as providing proper health education to the public and spreading awareness as well.

Diseases can be checked if proper prevention has been taken. It is essential that every person know the causes and symptoms of common diseases. Through this, people would be alert of the particular illness and would take prevention more cautiously. Therefore, it is in the hand of the government who has to spend more budget on organising frequent campaigns on educating the public about health and wellness. For instance, many diseases, such as sexually transmitted diseases, could be prevented with precaution though these deadly diseases, in many cases, do not have any treatment.

Secondly, the government can provide facilities which are accessible for all the public such as parks with some sports and exercise tools. Strict restrictions on tobacco use, availability of hand sanitiser at gathering sites are also required. All these measurements could encourage people to be healthy and maintain fit.

To conclude, it is always better to take prevention preferences to public health than spending huge money on treating people when they are sick. Since the government has a big role to play here, it can allocate a portion of the budget for such preventive measures.

Muhammad Bilal Shah
It is often expressed by many that preventive measures are far better than dealing with the problems when they arrive. This is also compared in the healthcare sector where many advocate spending state budget on health awareness programmes and building facilities to prevent diseases. This essay will disagree with the statement as I believe medical treatment is a permanent solution to many diseases and researching various diseases and their cure opens new avenues.

Treatment of diseases gives a solid remedy for a particular disease. Sometimes diseases occur even when the patient live a very decent life. So only preventive measures can not stop people from falling ill or having deadly diseases. No matter how hard we try, we will have many sick people who need immediate medical attention and medicines to be treated and cured. If a big portion of the budget is diverted to awareness programmes and to construct sports facilities, millions of poor people will be deprived of state-backed medical care. It has been estimated by the University of Health Sciences that 70% of people in Pakistan suffer from acute diseases because of improper remedies from non-professionals. So, the state budget should be used to offer more medical practitioners and hospitals to those people.

No doubt, research and experimentation open multiple solutions for one disease with optimization. It also opens pathways for existing problems that are unexplored yet going on with appropriate guesses. The fascinating thing about research is that results can be optimized with the aid of computer software’s assisting us to see the impact of various cures. The term “Clinical Research” determines the safety and effectiveness of the medication, devices, diagnostic products, and treatment regimens intended for human use. The invention of the Covid-19 vaccine is an important example in this regard. All over the world, clinical trials were conducted to see the impact of the human immune system. The invention of the vaccine is not only helping us to boost our antibodies against deadly viruses but also gave tons of information about the human immune system. This information is helping us to treat other diseases too.

In conclusion, having some preventive measures so as to prevent diseases is a good idea but diverting a large portion of the state budget solely for that while not offering proper treatment or researching diseases to invent cures seems like a disastrous idea.

Hello, dear IELTS-Mentor!

I am preparing for IELTS Exam on my own without a tutor. So I would like you to mark my essay if it's possible and assign an IELTS score for the writing task. Thank you in advance...

The idea of redistributing a country's budget towards spending more on health education and preventative measures looks to be reasonable due to several major factors.

Nowadays the medicine and pharmaceutics have reached such an impressive level and made a big leap in fighting most diseases and viruses. So, if someone feels sick, he or she has the opportunity to get full diagnostics at any of dozens of clinics in the town. Various health specialists are there to define the character of the disease and prescribe a cure. We can find almost any medical products necessary for our treatment in drugstores. So, one might think treatment is not a problem now. But there are some important issues to discuss which make us reconsider the proverb "prevention is better than cure".

Indeed, medical diagnostics and treatments are both have become superior, but they are not cheap and affordable for all citizens. Nowadays, medical care is often so expensive that not everyone can afford it. A case in point is medical care in the US is based on medical insurance. Your medical insurance policy could meet the costs of most typical cures and visits to the doctor. But in case of more expensive treatment, your policy is not able to meet and you have to pay for yourself. Moreover, about 15% of Americans do not have a medical insurance policy that makes their medical care difficult if not impossible. Although several countries have a law of free medical services, these are less quality and equipped in contrast with privately-held clinics in many ways, especially within the third world countries.

In short, this all exemplify that we need measures to prevent diseases rather than being unprepared and treat them afterwards at a cost that we would not be able to afford.

Harsimran Kour
Harsimran Kour
Thank you so much. It's very easy language.
Rajbanshi Mamta
It is often argued that instead of increasing fund in medical research and treating diseases, it is better to spend in amenities that keep people fit. I personally believe that prevention and treating sick people are equally important. To begin with, preventive measures protect many people from getting ill. Meanwhile, proper education and vaccination of diseases are the two course of actions taken by the government to protect people from deadly diseases have already been proved to be effective. This plan has prevented many diseases from spreading worldwide. For example, as per a survey in 2008 in Nepal, polio eradication program declined the number of patients significantly. Additionally, curing diseases is impossible without sufficient medical research. Though medical research and treating diseases need a high cost, it is equally important to save the life of infected people by finding actual causes and treatments. Many new diseases are evolving now and then. It is not possible to find the preventive measures without researching the form of diseases. For instance, an article regarding health sector in Africa dictates that research conclude the cause of endemic death and aware people from actually getting infected from many fatal diseases. Hence, researching and treating diseases is also an important element for a healthy nation.In conclusion, preventive measures are quite important to aware people to have a healthy lifestyle and to remain fit. A good portion of the national budget should thus be allocated to achieve this. But this does not mean that healthcare service, medical research and treatment facilities should get less fund and priorities.
Every day many people die from various diseases due to the lack of proper health education and unhealthy lifestyle and habits. In my opinion, a large portion of the national budget should be spent on educating people and promoting a healthy lifestyle for the long term benefit of a country. In our country, a new disease called chikungunya has become epidemic and this has been so severe due to the lack of people's knowledge on how this disease is spread and how to prevent it. This is a clear example how prevention can be a better solution than cure. This dangerous disease was caused by a virus which only spread through mosquitos. If widespread breeding of mosquito could have been controlled, this disease could not have spread. The only way to fight such epidemic diseases is to take preventive measures, not treat them when they are already ill.Furthermore, a great proportion of people these days are overweight and suffer from numerous complexities and illness due to this. Treating them requires a huge proportion of GDP each year and it seems more prudent to establish more parks, sports centres and outdoor recreational place to make people active for at least an hour a day. Scientific research proves that if people remain active for at least few hours a week, the risk of many diseases reduces to a great extent. To conclude, having a long-term plan for the mass people’s health and well-being is a far greater idea than establishing more hospitals to treat already ill people.
You can submit and others would comment and add ideas, I guess.
I believe they are already in plain and simple language!!! How simpler do you want? Probably not a good idea for you!!!
Patel Ronak
Please write essays in an easier language. People can't understand properly.
In this technology-driven world, people are suffering from the outbreaks of new diseases and their cures are difficult to find. With the advancement of modern medicines life expectancy has increased whereas each day we hear about new diseases. By modifying our lifestyle most of these diseases are avoidable, I believe. This essay supports the proverb "prevention is better than cure". To begin with, a colossal amount of government fund is spent for the treatment of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases. But these diseases could be prevented to a great extent by modifying the people's lifestyle. For instance, if people do exercise regularly or participate in other recreational activities, that could help them from chronic diseases. In order to ensure this, the government should spend revenue for building sports stadium, park and other recreational centers and motivate people for these activities. Secondly, cancer is one of the leading cause of death in India even though there are some treatments available. The proverb is exactly true in this case and cancer can be prevented by avoiding the triggering factors such as smoking and sedentary lifestyle. If the population is educated about these, they can avoid the circumstances to getting ill.To sum up, preventing the diseases is more effective and economical than treating after getting ill. It can save the time, money and energy. Little care from the root even gives a healthy fruit. I hope in future people will take adequate steps for preventing diseases and resulting in a healthy generation.
Can we submit our essay writings here?
Jaswinder Kaur
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