IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1416 - A teacher’s role in school is to motivate and inspire students

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that a teacher’s main role in school is to motivate and inspire students. However, others believe that a teacher’s primary role is to pass on knowledge.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

Some believe that a teacher in school should primarily serve as a beacon of motivation and inspiration to pupils, while others feel that their fundamental role lies in the dissemination of knowledge. This essay will discuss both perspectives. Personally, I think that although motivation and inspiration stimulate interest in learning, the primary role of a teacher is to deliver essential information and knowledge.

Proponents of the teacher's primary role as a motivator argue that it ignites the passion for learning among students, which ultimately contributes to students’ academic performance. The rationale for this is that when students feel motivated and inspired, they turn into active participants in their study, leading to better academic outcomes. For example, several studies reveal the correlation between a teacher's ability to motivate and student's exam grades.

However, the opponents of this idea believe that a teacher’s primary role is to transmit knowledge to students. They argue that teachers are primarily responsible for effectively disseminating information about subject-related concepts so that students can acquire a deeper understanding of the subject, leading to academic and career success. In simple words, the primary function of a teacher is to build a solid foundation of knowledge, which is of profound importance for educational development. For instance, a science teacher who presents concepts, facts and theories in a lucid and comprehensible manner helps students comprehend basic scientific principles. I therefore believe that a teacher’s primary role should be to deliver essential knowledge about the subject matter because it deepens students’ understanding of academic subjects and prepares them for their future.

In conclusion, while motivation and inspiration spark a passion for learning, I think that the primary responsibility of a teacher is to transmit necessary knowledge about academic subjects, which is essential for enhancing students’ comprehension of the subject matter.


Model Answer 2:

In the realm of education, there is an ongoing debate regarding the primary role of a teacher. While some assert that teachers should primarily serve as motivators and sources of inspiration, others argue that their central duty lies in the transmission of knowledge. This essay will explore both perspectives and ultimately contend that while motivation and inspiration are important, dissemination of knowledge is the primary role of a teacher.

On the one hand, proponents of the belief that teachers should primarily motivate and inspire students argue that instilling a passion for learning is paramount. A teacher's ability to spark enthusiasm can lead students to explore subjects more deeply and cultivate a lifelong love of learning. For example, Mrs. Emma - an English teacher from our high school - known for her charismatic teaching style and ability to inspire had been a role model for many students. Her ability to inspire her students through engaging lessons and motivational speeches has resulted in countless success stories, as students have gone on to excel in their academic pursuits and careers due to this.

Conversely, those who emphasize the teacher's primary role as a knowledge transmitter contend that inspiring students without providing them with substantial content is futile. Knowledge forms the foundation upon which motivation and inspiration can flourish. To illustrate, imagine a science teacher who, in addition to kindling his students' curiosity about the natural world, imparts a deep understanding of scientific principles. These students are not only motivated but also equipped with the tools to explore and innovate in their chosen fields. Therefore, a teacher should first instil knowledge among their students and then inspire students to learn more and be curious to explore and innovate.

In conclusion, while motivation and inspiration are integral aspects of teaching, the primary role of a teacher should be the transmission of knowledge. Effective teaching is based on a strong educational foundation and then inspiration. It enables students to thrive academically and personally.

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