IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1436 - Foreign films and programmes have a negative impact on local culture

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that foreign films and programmes have a negative impact on local culture.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Model Answer 1: [Disagreement]

Some people express their opinion that international cinemas and TV shows bring about an adverse effect on local culture. I vehemently disagree with this opinion because I believe that they promote creative inspiration and social and political awareness.

Foreign films can enrich local culture through artistic inspiration and innovation. These cinemas often introduce fresh narrative techniques, artistic styles and visual aesthetics that can provide inspiration for local filmmakers. This exposure to different cinematic styles can ignite creativity, extend artistic choices and inspire to employ new storytelling techniques. This infusion of diverse artistic creativity can translate into the development of unique local cinematic methods, thus contributing to the evolution of local movies and the entertainment industry. For example, a local moviemaker may find inspiration from the visual narrative methods presented in a critically acclaimed foreign film. He may incorporate the features of that style into his work, developing the invention of a distinct hybrid style that blends the local cultural elements with international artistic styles.

Likewise, foreign programmes also contribute to local culture by raising social and political awareness. They bring forth political, social and cultural challenges that resonate with viewers worldwide. They can throw light on societal dynamics, historical events and global issues that may also be pertinent to local audiences. Foreign TV shows develop awareness, shape critical thinking and encourage discussions about crucial social issues within a local backdrop by presenting thought-provoking narratives and complex themes. For instance, a documentary, which addresses global greenhouse effects, can stimulate conversation and environmental activism within the community.

To conclude, I believe foreign films and programmes positively contribute to the local culture as they foster artistic inspiration and innovation as well as develop social and political consciousness.

Model Answer 2: [Agreement]

Many believe that foreign movies and shows create an adverse impact on domestic culture. I completely agree with this opinion because I believe that foreign cinemas and programmes exert a powerful influence on local audiences by promoting individualism and Western fashion trends.

Foreign movies and programmes contribute to the dilution of local cultural values. Films from dominant film industries often portray specific lifestyles, norms, and ideologies that may not be acceptable to local culture. When these films become smash-hit, they can induce local audiences to adopt the films’ cultural ideals that may challenge conventional norms and values. This, in turn, can lead to an erosion of the local cultural fabric. A good example here is “The Pursuit of Happiness”, an American film. The movie’s emphasis on individualism can resonate with Asian audiences who also stress the importance of the collective well-being of society.

Likewise, local audiences often emulate certain features of foreign films and shows that may cause conflict with shared cultural values. That is to say that international cinema tends to showcase Western fashion vogues that may go against traditional dress codes. The influence of these movies on viewers can lead to the adoption of Western attire. This is illustrated by the fact that many Indian audiences, particularly corporate women, wear trousers, suits or skirts with blazers, which challenges conservative dressing norms in certain Indian societies. The influence of foreign films and programmes, thus, can lead to the adoption of Western dressing trends, which may conflict with local cultural norms.

In conclusion, I totally agree that foreign films and shows have harmful effects on local culture because they encourage local audiences to adopt individualistic views and Western clothing styles that go against their own societal values.

Model Answer 3: [Disgreement]

The influence of foreign films and programmes on local culture is a subject that sparks heated debates, and some argue that they have damaging impacts on local culture. However, this essay strongly disagrees with the notion that foreign media has a negative impact on local culture, emphasizing the benefits of cultural exchange and diversity.

Foreign films and programmes serve as a bridge for cultural exchange, fostering understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. Exposure to different customs, languages, and traditions broadens perspectives, enriching local culture rather than eroding it. For instance, the popularity of Japanese anime worldwide has not diminished local cultures in countries where they have become popular but has instead introduced global audiences to the richness of Japanese storytelling and artistry. People who enjoy Japanese anime or movies made in distant European countries do not forget their own culture. At times, they gather experiences that enrich their own culture.

Moreover, foreign media inspires creativity and innovation within local cultural productions. Exposure to diverse storytelling techniques and cinematographic styles prompts local filmmakers and artists to experiment and incorporate new elements into their work. For example, the influence of European cinema on Hollywood has led to the evolution of filmmaking techniques, resulting in the production of innovative and critically acclaimed movies. Therefore, rather than being detrimental, the influence of foreign films serves as a catalyst for cultural enrichment and evolution, contributing positively to the diversity and vibrancy of local cultures.

In conclusion, the argument asserting that foreign films and programmes negatively impact local culture fails to acknowledge the invaluable benefits of cultural exchange. Embracing diversity through exposure to foreign media enriches local cultures by fostering understanding, inspiring creativity, and promoting cultural appreciation.


Model Answer 4: [Agreement]

Some people are concerned about the pervasive influence of foreign films and programmes on local cultures and they firmly believe that foreign programmes and cinemas are detrimental to their local culture. This essay aligns with the perspective that foreign media has a negative impact on local culture, posing challenges to the preservation of indigenous traditions and values.

Foreign media often promotes cultural homogenization and erodes unique aspects of local cultures. The dominance of foreign content may overshadow local productions, leading to a loss of cultural identity. For example, the overwhelming presence of Hollywood movies in cinemas worldwide often overshadows indigenous films, contributing to the marginalization of local storytelling and cultural expressions. Those Hollywood movies are often popular among local audiences who, over time, ignore locally made movies creating a hindrance to promoting local culture.

Furthermore, the portrayal of foreign cultures in media can perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions about local traditions. Foreign films often depict cultures in a simplified or distorted manner, fostering misunderstandings and misrepresentations. For instance, the portrayal of certain cultures in a stereotypical manner may reinforce biased perspectives, affecting how local populations are perceived both domestically and globally. This creates a false impression among the audiences, especially young ones, who start favouring false culture while neglecting their own tradition.

In conclusion, the influence of foreign films and programmes on local culture can have detrimental consequences, jeopardizing the preservation of indigenous traditions and values. The dominance of foreign media may lead to cultural erosion, marginalization of local productions, and the perpetuation of stereotypes. It is crucial to acknowledge the potential negative impact of foreign media and strive to preserve local cultures.

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