IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1455 - What has have a greater influence on our future success

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The values that we learn from our parents and family have a greater influence on our future success than any knowledge and skills we learn at school.

How far do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

Some people believe that the values instilled by parents and family wield a greater impact on our future success than the knowledge and skills we acquire in school. However, I fundamentally disagree with this statement due to the multifaceted nature of education and its profound impact on an individual's development and success.

To commence, while parental guidance undoubtedly shapes an individual's character, academic institutions play an indispensable role in honing a person's intellect and proficiency in various disciplines. Schools provide a structured learning environment where students acquire critical skills, knowledge, and social interaction, all of which are vital for a well-rounded development. For instance, formal education imparts essential skills such as literacy, numeracy, problem-solving, and critical thinking, laying the groundwork for future academic and professional success. This is an area where family influence often lacks depth or specialization.

Furthermore, schools serve as platforms for social interaction, fostering teamwork, tolerance, and diverse perspectives among peers. Interacting with individuals from varied backgrounds, often differing from familial experiences, broadens horizons and nurtures adaptability and understanding, essential qualities in a rapidly evolving global landscape. Unlike familial teachings, schools provide an environment conducive to learning from multiple sources, diversifying experiences beyond the confines of home. Perhaps this is why despite having caring parents, people who do not have formal education often end up being unsuccessful in life.

In conclusion, while family values undoubtedly hold significance in shaping an individual's character, the holistic development that comes from formal education in schools, encompassing knowledge acquisition, skill development, and social interaction, is indispensable for future success. The complementary roles of familial teachings and academic learning construct a more comprehensive foundation for an individual's success.

Model Answer 2:

The path to one's life success, like a vibrant tapestry, is woven from diverse threads. While formal education undeniably equips us with knowledge and skills, the enduring influence of values instilled by family casts a long shadow on our ultimate destination. This is why I agree with the statement and believe that the ethical compass and resilience nurtured within the family hold an enduring influence on our success in life.

Firstly, the bedrock of resilience, a crucial ingredient in navigating life's inevitable challenges, is often laid within the familial space. Witnessing parents cope with setbacks, offering unwavering support, and fostering a spirit of perseverance lays the groundwork for future resilience. A child raised in a home where integrity and grit are valued above instant gratification, where setbacks are seen as opportunities for growth, emerges equipped with the inner strength to navigate the often turbulent waters of life. For instance, a young entrepreneur facing a failed start-up, remembering their family's unwavering belief in hard work and second chances, finds the courage to persevere and rebuild, ultimately weaving a more successful venture.

Furthermore, the ethical compass, guiding us towards responsible choices and meaningful contributions, derives significant calibration from the values we imbibe within the family. A home where empathy, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility are held in high regard becomes vital for shaping individuals who prioritize collective well-being over personal gain. This, in turn, manifests in future choices, shaping professionals who prioritize ethical conduct and social responsibility, weaving a richer tapestry of success that extends beyond individual achievement.

In conclusion, the path to success is often a result of the guiding principles instilled within the family. This is why our success in life is often determined by our family rather than the skills we learn or even the education we get from schools.

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