Cue Cards Samples with band 8 answers

Describe a fashion item you often use - Cue Card # 330

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe a fashion item you often use.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • how often you use it
  • why you use it

and explain how you feel about using it.


Model Answer 1:

If I remember correctly, about 15 years ago when I was still a final year high school student, I casually strolled to a nearby shopping centre, close to where I lived in my town, in order to buy a pair of sunglasses. After checking some sunglasses there, I finally chose the one I liked, and that was my first pair of sunglasses.

Up until then, of course, I never really seriously thought about buying one of those. But that year, I found out that the sun was unusually a bit too bright for my eyes, so I thought that buying a pair of sunglasses would be a good idea in order to protect my eyes from the bright sun.

Now, I must say that I am glad that I actually bought that pair of sunglasses because I use them not only during the bright summer days but also at other times. In fact, these sunglasses have become a fashionable item for me whether I am riding on a motorbike with my friend to eat at a restaurant, attending a wedding ceremony or going to a stadium to watch one of my favourite football matches. Sometimes, I even wear them to my work.

By the way, the sunglasses, I wear, are of beautiful and light amber colour which are firmly set within a shiny blue colour frame. The oval shape sunglasses, that I currently use now, are a bit on the expensive side, but I don’t mind it since they look really nice on me.

Anyway, I really like my sunglasses since they make me feel good about myself when I am around other fashion-conscious people. Besides, it also makes my eyes feel comfortable when I go out on a bright sunny day as well as a windy one. Sometimes, I even feel that this pair of sunglasses of mine is very much at the centre of my fashion since I try to buy other items, like my clothes and shoes, only when they match with those clothes, shoes and other fashionable items that I buy.


Model Answer 2:

My wristwatch is a fashion item that I often use and this has become a very handy fashion item for me over time. This is a watch by Fast Track brand and I bought it last year. To me, this is a trendy fashion item and I love to wear it daily. Whenever I go out, I wear it. It has become a part of my dress-up and I rarely forget to wear this fashion item whenever I go out to work or university.

For a long, I did not wear a watch but when I got myself admitted to the university, I felt the urge to buy one to maintain the tight schedule that I have in my university. I bought it for two reasons: to know the time and to wear it as a fashion item as I really liked the design of this watch. Now I use it as part of my casual or formal dress-up and to know the time whenever needed.

I can compare the time when I was not in the habit of wearing a wristwatch with the time I start wearing it. I often had to ask others about the time and could not reach my classes due to my unawareness of the current time. Now I feel great about wearing it. It is a fashion item that I feel really good and trendy to wear as well as I can get updated always about the time. I can plan and schedule my tasks as I am always aware of the time. Honestly, that has become an important part of my daily life.


Sample Answer 3:

I put on sunglasses when I am out and they are my most used fashion item. I love using my sunglasses for a few reasons and the glasses have become a constant companion to me.

I frequently use sunglasses. But when I am inside the classroom at my college or home, I do not use it. Interestingly, when I first got the sunglasses, I used to wear them at home. Noticing the matter, my elder brother instructed me how to and when to use the sunglasses. He instructed me to use it outside of the home and particularly during the sunlight, I should use it to prevent my eyes from being exposed to the ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun. So, whenever I go out of home, I take this piece of fashion accessories with me.     

I use sunglasses for various reasons. The most important cause behind having sunglasses is preventing the excessive heat of the sun. The dark blue glasses help to protect the eyes from the brightness of the sun. Actually, it is really difficult to look clearly during the day time when the sun is hot. Only a pair of sunglasses can relieve from the problem. Moreover, the ultraviolet ray contains harmful materials to human eyes. When someone wears sunglasses, the eyes are in a protected state. The ultraviolet rays cannot damage the eyes. Furthermore, style is an important issue to consider here. Sunglasses are available in various designs, colours and shapes. They also bring a different look in the face of the sunglass users.  

I feel cool while using my sunglasses from a renowned brand. It makes me comfortable in my journeys out of the home. Moreover, they are of different styles and I look really good when I use it.

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