Cue Cards Samples with band 8 answers

IELTS Cue Card 376 - Describe a subject you would study

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe a subject you would study that you never had the opportunity to study.

You should say:

  • what subject it would be
  • what this subject deals with
  • what benefits you would get from it

and explain why you would like to study this subject.


Model Answer 1:

Well, if I have the opportunity to study a subject that I do not know yet, or have never studied, I would choose to study "Outer space" or "Space science". I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, but I'd like to have the possibility to work in space science if I could! That's why I would choose to study this subject.

I think it is a very interesting and challenging job to work on a spaceship - gathering different kinds of information, probes and specimens of outer space and researching them are some of the works this job would involve. So studying space science and getting to know different aspects of space and spaceships are important. I believe that humankind is making steps forward by domesticating space. We need to know what is beyond our solar system and what is beyond our universe. And studying space science and working as a space scientist might give me some insights into these questions.

Studying space creates the opportunity to become a space scientist and it would help me answer some of the century-old questions like 'Where we are from', and 'Where are we heading to'. I think it is a great feeling to give people new knowledge, opportunities and experience. Scientists often find and study new constellations, they launch satellites and monitor them from land, and I want to be a part of these discoveries as well.

When I was a child, I used to collect stamps and cards with a space subject, and I dreamed that someday I'd be able to go into outer space. Though things did not happen exactly the way I had dreamed, I still feel fascinated about outer space. My plans changed, but my dream has not gone completely. I believe that in a few decades, people will be able to visit the space just like they go to a museum now, and I hope to be a great part of it. To be a part of this great discovery and invention, I would have to study space science or outer space first.

Model Answer 2:

In my academic life, I have studied a wide range of subjects, from mathematics to history. However, there is a subject that I have never had the opportunity to study, but it is something that has always intrigued me. It is a subject that I believe could benefit both myself and others if I had the opportunity to study it.

What subject it would be: 
The subject that I would choose to study if given the opportunity is psychology. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context.

What it involves:
Psychology involves the study of the human mind and behaviour, including how people think, feel, and behave in different situations. It aims to understand how people perceive the world around them, how they interact with others, and how their experiences shape their behaviour.

How it would help you and others: 
Studying psychology would be beneficial not just for me but for others as well. It would help me understand myself and those around me better, improve my communication skills, and enhance my problem-solving abilities. Additionally, it could help me develop a career in various fields, such as counselling, education, research, or social work, where I can use my knowledge to help others.

And explain why you would like to study this subject:
I have always been interested in human behaviour and why people act the way they do. Studying psychology would provide me with a scientific framework to understand these behaviours better. I believe that studying psychology would allow me to gain a better understanding of human nature, develop my critical thinking skills, and broaden my perspective on various aspects of life. Moreover, I am curious to learn about the different theories and concepts that have been developed in psychology and how they can be applied in different contexts.

Model Answer 3:
In my childhood, my aim was to become a renowned doctor but due to the rise in merit list for admission I could not enter into a medical college. I got admission in Bachelor in Pharmacy and now I am working as a Pharmacist.  I would love to study Medical books, more specifically Psychiatry, if I get an opportunity.

Psychiatry is very vast subject. It is not only the knowledge of mental illness, it highlights how we can enhance our intellectual capabilities. Variation in mood put a strong impact on personality and business. In my opinion, in the modern age, every person has some symptoms of psychiatric illness. If we have a brief knowledge of these attitudes we can manage the people who are having bad attitudes and they are working in our surroundings. A new subject of psychiatry is Emotion control, it emphasises who we can make ourselves happy and relaxed by just keeping our brain cool.

Another aspect of this study will be early prevention and diagnosis. If we detect psychiatric disease at the time of its start then the result of its cure will be great. Mental illness destroys the families and economics of the patients. By preventing these diseases before commencement we can improve the society and don’t let any disaster to happen. In short, our brain controls all the activities of our body and emotions control the brain. The Psychiatrist controls the whole human machinery by just controlling the emotions. Considering the advantages the knowledge this subject offers, I would love to study it with passion and great interest.


Sample Answer 4:
I am a student of science background though I wanted to study arts once. But due to the pressure from my parents, I could not explore the subjects of arts, especially history. So, if I have any option to study more in future, I would like to study history, to be more particular, it is ancient history.

History is the science of time. It describes the past and also informs us about the eras and living of the people. It appears to me that ancient history is the subject which describes the most wanted events of the time. How people passed their days, how their living was, war and peace, social status etc. In fact, ancient history is the subject that tells the stories of ancient days. It is the root to know the civilisation and modern days. By living in a modern day, it is really tough to come to know about the past histories unless someone is gone through the ancient history texts.

Ancient history is the subject that mostly deals with the emergence of civilisation. Actually, the earth is old enough now to remember its past days and events. A large number of nations and states have emerged while many of them are no longer existing in the present time. They have been forgotten as well with the passage of time. Besides, there are many ancient structures available in different parts of the world but still, some of them are mysteries to human. For instance, the mysteries of Pyramids in Egypt have not been revealed completely. The Mesopotamian civilisation, its emergence, contribution to the modern history, how people were ruled and their response to the government and systems and more other issues. The subject also discusses the relation of the state to the neighbouring states and national and international policies, strategies and law and order in the society.    

The benefits are huge. First of all, the subject will make the reader as an expert about ancient time. History is really an interesting subject to explore and once you will get interested in it, you will be unable to get distracted from the subject. Besides, ancient history has some stories that will enrich the knowledge of the readers. Treatment of different disease was really a surprise as they did not have the modern medicines with them. They used to diagnose diseases, pains and other physical disorders and cured them with the help of nature and even some the methods are still prevailing in the modern medical science. So, if the knowledge could be revealed. It would be beneficial for everyone to deal with physical disorders. Further, the people of the ancient times are pioneers for many of the modern activities which also will enrich the realm of knowledge.   

When I was a kid of sixth or seventh grade, I had a subject on ancient history. The subject dealt with the ancient things and happenings of the world. So, I was greatly interested in the subject. But later, I had to give that up due to studying with science. I failed to get any more taste of the history as my academic activities changed to a great extent with the dealing of physics, biology and chemistry. But now I feel that I should have read the ancient history. In fact, I miss the subject very much. Hence, if I get an opportunity, I will study the subject in future.

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