Practice smarter not harder

Practice smarter not harder.

Learn how practising smartly can ensure a better band scorer even if you do not have much time ahead.

Your IELTS score greatly depends on your English level, preparation for the test, time management and your calmness during the test. Remember that IELTS measures how accurately you can handle the English language in real-life situations and NOT your intelligent level. So if you practice smartly and efficiently, you are going to hit a better score. At first, be determined about the exam date, i.e. when you are going to take the exam. Now that you know how much time you have left for your preparation, act accordingly. Build up a strategy and study accordingly.

Goal Planning:

1. Short-time Goal Planning
Long-time Goal Planning 

If you have already registered for the IELTS and your exam is knocking at the door, then make a Short-time Goal Plan. Emphasise on your weakness in the 4 sections (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and practice those sections over and over again. Model tests can help you greatly if you are running out of time for the exam. Check your spelling and try to make sentences you write are organised and coherent.

If you are thinking to take the IELTS and have several months for preparation, then you must make a Long-time Goal plan. This involves your understanding of the IELTS exam format. This is really important for all the candidates who are going to take IELTS. Many students with average English proficiency hit much better IELTS band scores because they fully understand the exam format and the questions types they will encounter. Make a study plan and practice at least 2 hours a day. Besides try to enrich your vocabulary, sentence formation, speaking and listening skills.

The following study hints will help you in the weeks leading up to the IELTS.

» Become familiar with the IELTS test as early as possible. The skills being tested in the IELTS take a period of time to build up. Cramming is not an effective study technique for IELTS.

» Use your study time efficiently. Study when you are fresh and, after you have planned a timetable, make sure that you keep to it. Set goals and ensure that you have adequate breaks. In the IELTS test, each of the four sections - Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking — carries the same weight. Study each skill carefully and spend more time on the skills in which you feel you are weak.

» Be very clear on the order of each section, its length and the specific question types.

» Having a study partner or study group is an excellent idea. Other students may raise issues that you may not have considered.

» When you check your answers versus the correct ones after you complete your model tests, pay special attention to those you got WRONG. There always will be a chance to congratulate yourself later for those you’ve got right.

» Spend at least 2/3 hours for preparing the test every day instead of sitting down to review once a week for several hours. Even though you are studying for the same amount of time, research shows that daily shorter sessions produce better results on the IELTS test.

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I’m weak in the writing part, Please help me.
Sabin Akter
Short time goal.
Last bencher
Only one person can help you... Yourself.
I am very weak in reading part... Please help me.