You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 2

IELTS Letter Writing / GT Writing Task 1:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.

Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In your letter,

  » explain why you were at the restaurant
  » describe the problems
  » write about the action you want the manager to take

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write your own addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir or Madam,


Model Answer 1:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I visited your restaurant on 11th May with my family to celebrate my sister’s birthday. We usually enjoy your food but this time it was utterly disappointing. I am hoping that you will keep your food quality intact and take action regarding the bad dining experience we have had.

We have always considered your restaurant as the most classy French cuisine place in town. Since my sister lives in France, we dine at your restaurant every time she is in our country. This time it was even more special as we were celebrating her birthday. But the whole event was ruined due to the dishes we were served.

I suppose you can imagine our disappointment when we found the onion soup absolutely inedible. It was cold, and it appeared your chef did not stir it well while cooking. Some clogs of flour were visible in the soup. Moreover, the main course was cold and not up to our expectations. They tasted very ordinary and hackneyed but we paid almost thrice for these items! We asked a waitress about the reasons and she had no plausible excuse for that.

I am looking forward to hearing that you have taken the necessary steps to maintain your reputation and food quality. Otherwise, you have already lost a customer.

Yours faithfully,

Elizabeth Harley

Model Answer 2:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a regular diner at your restaurant on Madison Avenue. Today, I am writing to express my discontent with the meal that I and my family had at your restaurant last Thursday. I am hoping that you will take the necessary action to improve your food quality and maintain your reputation.

Recently, I have been promoted to the Senior Internal Auditor in my office, and to celebrate this event, I took my family out to your restaurant on Madison Avenue. We ordered four servings of shrimp fried rice, but we were shocked to discover that the shrimp in our serving was undercooked and had a pungent odour. After complaining about it to the supervisor, we were told that the restaurant had run out of shrimp - not a valid excuse for a distinguished restaurant like yours. You can understand my frustration when my family and I had to leave the restaurant empty stomach and with utter disappointment.

My intention in writing this letter is to ask you to issue a "show cause notice" to the supervisor at your restaurant, and disseminate instructions to all your staff to hold a modicum of buffer stock for every item, just in case the restaurant runs out of that item and so that no customer experiences a humiliation.

Yours faithfully,

Muhammad Sameed

[ Written by - Sameed Qureshi ]


Model Answer 3:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Leslie Aston, writing to express my disappointment with my recent dining experience at your restaurant. My family and I visited your establishment last Saturday evening to celebrate a special occasion, but unfortunately, our experience fell short of expectations. I am hoping that you will take proper action regarding this.

Upon arrival, we were greeted warmly by your staff and seated promptly. However, the problems began when we received our meals. The food was served cold and lacked the freshness and flavour we had anticipated. Additionally, several items were missing from our order, which further detracted from our dining experience.

As a loyal patron of your restaurant, I believe it is important to bring these issues to your attention. I understand that mistakes can happen, but the quality of our meal was unacceptable given the reputation of your establishment.

In light of these issues, I kindly request that you take appropriate action to address the shortcomings we experienced during our visit. This may include reviewing your kitchen procedures, ensuring proper food handling and preparation, and providing additional staff training to prevent similar incidents in the future.

I trust that you will take our feedback seriously and make the necessary improvements to maintain the high standards that your restaurant is known for. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Leslie Aston

Model Answer 4:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Rona Lyn Olivar, a regular customer of your Cozy Place Restaurant, and today I am writing to complain about the unpalatable meals and desserts we were served last Sunday. I am hoping that you will maintain your food standard and probe into the event that ruined our evening.

I, along with my husband and children, went to your restaurant at around 7:00 o'clock on 27th July to celebrate my husband's job promotion. It was supposed to be a happy and memorable night because we were commemorating a special event as a family in one of our favourite restaurants. But we have had a frustrating experience.

We ordered lamb steak, spuds and toasted sandwiches as our main course, but the steak was salty, raw and hard. On top of that, our sandwiches were served cold! Though we complained about our food to the waitress, she did not mind us and instead told us to complain to the manager. This was quite unexpected and unprofessional.

I demand a full refund that I paid for the meal and your steps towards making your staff behaviour more professional and cordial. Otherwise, consider me as a lost customer.

I look forward to your immediate response regarding this.

Yours faithfully,

Rona Lyn Olivar


Model Answer 5:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a regular customer of your restaurant “The Bay Leaf" and visited the place with my wife to celebrate our 1st marriage anniversary on 10th February. But the meal quality was upsetting and it ruined our celebration spirit. I would like you to take the necessary steps to improve the food quality to retain your reputation.

I often visit your restaurant due to a laudable ambience, hygiene, staff behaviour and above all the food quality. But, last night it was a big disappointment. I had my table booked well in advance but it was allocated to someone else, which is not acceptable as it hurts customers' faith in your service.

Moreover, the meal was less than average. The first course of sea trout was tasteless and salty. We mentioned that the duck was undercooked but no comment or apology was made at the time. To add more grief, my wife's duck had a large piece of gristle in it which was a shame. Besides, our steward was not very effusive or communicative, and he appeared to be going through the motions as quickly as possible.

I am a regular customer of your restaurant and if this is what you are going to continue in future, then I will have to find a different place for family occasions. Please offer the best possible meals, dining experience and efficient waiters to your customers.

Yours faithfully,

Gagan Bhatia

IELTS GT Writing Task 1 / Letter Writing Topic:

You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.

Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In your letter,

    » explain why you were at the restaurant
    » describe the problems
    » write about the action you want the manager to take

Write at least 150 words.


Model Answer 6:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to raise my concern about the meal we had at your restaurant last week. I visited your eatery last Sunday to enjoy dinner with my family. I heard about your restaurant on the radio and thought to give it a try. But the meal experience was disappointing.

When we entered your restaurant, we saw a special menu written on a board and one of the items was fried rice with fish curry. We decided to try it, which we later regretted deeply. When we were served the dish, we found chilli powder on the surface of the fish. After we inquired about it, one of your attendants told us that they kept it off for one hour after marinating it with chilli powder with some other ingredients. Even though we felt terrible about it, we continued our meal. The dish tasted mediocre, and not up to our expectations at all. Unfortunately, my son started feeling bad after we reached home and he disgorged twice.

I had a high expectation from your restaurant but got equally frustrated. I would really appreciate it if you could take proper action about this inconvenience that we had due to the food we ate at your restaurant. Please instruct your chefs to follow proper hygienic manner and if they do not know how to prepare such kind of food, please do not offer it to customers.

Yours faithfully,

Lettisha James

[ Written by - Lettisha James]


Model Answer 7:

Dear Sir or Madam,

My wife and I visited your restaurant to celebrate our third wedding anniversary on March 18th, 2024. Unfortunately, we had a very negative experience due to a below-average meal and poor staff behaviour. I want you to investigate the reason for such a terrible meal. Otherwise, you are going to lose customers.

We arrived at your restaurant at around 6:00 pm and ordered Doro Wat for our main course. But it tasted astringent due to overcooking. Even after we told this to the waiter on duty, he did not pay attention and told us to complain to the manager instead. Besides, the fruit punch that my wife ordered had no orange juice in it, though the menu stated so. This was very annoying which actually ruined our dining experience.

I demand a full refund that I paid for a worthless meal. I also want you to take the necessary action against the waiter who denied paying attention to our complaints.

I look forward to seeing you take immediate action regarding this matter.

Yours faithfully,

K. Henok

[ Written by - Henok ]

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Ologbo Johnson
I am interested.
Anim AM
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with the food that I ordered yesterday at your restaurant - The Green Chilies, located at Park Street.

Last night, I and my family went to your restaurant as my friend recommended it, to have dinner and celebrate my birthday party. We ordered three portions of prawn fried rice and chilly chicken gravy. However, the food was served extremely late, probably after an hour and to my utter surprise, it was cold. Moreover, the taste of the food was awful. Despite this, when I inquired about it to the waiter, he was rude and did not bother to listen. Furthermore, I feel the price of the items on the menu is a bit expensive compared to the quantity being served.

I hope you can empathize with my situation and will take the necessary actions. Please ensure henceforth, that if there is a scarcity of ingredients to prepare the dish, the customer should be notified and asked to change his order. It would greatly improve the quality of service. Also, I request you to provide me with a concession on my last meal or a meal discount coupon on my next order.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Alice Martice

Pauline Jeswin
You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.

Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant.

Letter Answer:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I visited the “Travancor e" – an authentic Kerala food" restaurant at Banjara Hills with my family yesterday. We wanted to celebrate my father’s birthday, who is from Kerala and loves Kerala cuisine. But to our disappointment, the service and food were not what we expected.

We got a negative first impression which lasted till the end! When we entered the restaurant we could sense a foul smell. We saw leftover food on many tables and the table clothes looked like it had been ages since they were washed. So, we moved to the family section, which was an AC hall.

The family section looked OK, but the food was awful. We ordered Malabar parotta and Malabar chicken curry. The food was delivered waiting for at least an hour, and the service was extremely mediocre. The parotta was undercooked, did not have any layers and looked like a normal roti. It was absolutely inedible. The chicken curry had no coconut paste in it and was served cold.

We never expected this poor taste, lousy service and below-standard food from your esteemed restaurant; and we regret to inform you that you have lost a loyal customer yesterday. We did complain about this terrible service to the restaurant’s Assistant Manager – Mr. Sivakumar Reddy, but he did not take any action, nor had a plausible excuse. I hence demand a full refund for this worthless meal that we were forced to have.

Please look into how your restaurant is running and serving its customers. Then please fix the issues so that no other customer will be affected by a bad experience and poor food taste.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Pauline Jeswin

Kanwal Kashan
Dear Sir / Madam,

I visited your restaurant for the very first time with my family to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday on 10th June Monday. We were attracted by the exterior, decoration and ambience of the restaurant. However, the overall experience was not pleasant at all.

At first, the floor-in-charge kept us waiting for the table for more than 20 minutes as we have asked for a place to sit where we could enjoy our meal. Secondly, after fifteen minutes of ordering our dishes, another waiter came to us and informed us that 3 of the ordered items (mushroom burgers, opinion chickens, and seafood salad) could not be served as the restaurant had run out of the ingredients. Then, we waited for more than 40 minutes and were disappointed after seeing the platters. We had ordered mushroom steak with mashed potatoes, mutton karahi and malai chicken club sandwich instead of which they served us mushroom steak with fries and chicken karahi and bbq club sandwiches. It was utterly disappointing. Finally, when we received the bill we were astonished as there were multiple mistakes on the bill amount and I was billed more than we actually ordered.

We had one of the worst experiences at your restaurant. I want to give you a piece of advice - kindly work on your coordination among serving and pantry staff.

Thank you.

Kanwal Kashan

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Hello! this post couldn't be written any better!
This website really has all of the information and materials I need to prepare for the IELTS test.
Dear Sir or Madam,We visited your restaurant last night to enjoy a meal. We were happy to find your eatery and excepted a great feast. Unfortunately, we did not enjoy our meal and hoping you would employ a better chef and professional staff to improve your food and service quality. We ordered three hamburgers and a large pizza. The problem was that the chief added too much salt to the meat and burned half of it. The pizza was served cold and was not tasty as well. I decided to complain about it to the manager but both the manager and the waiter responded arrogantly and rudely as if I was responsible for the whole fiasco.I would advise you to replace the chief or train him up and teach some manners to your manager. Our experience at your restaurant was terrible and I demand a 50% refund on the bill we paid for a bad meal. I look forward to visiting the restaurant again. We hope to see some changes.Yours sincerely,Obaid Karimi
Sangita Parmar
Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to you to express my frustration about the service and meal during our last visit to your restaurant at Andheri, Mumbai. I was there to celebrate my anniversary with my family of six. Since this place is highly rated in Zomato, I personally have made frequent visits and also had given my positive review in Zomato earlier.We had visited around 7.30 pm on 22nd July and no one came to us till 7.55. At that moment, we were exhausted and were very thirsty. After we placed our first order for starter and soup, we had to wait for more than 20 minutes for the same. Meanwhile, we had decided our next order – the main course in which one of the items was Paneer Special Briyani. After a wait for another 30 minutes, all ordered items were served at our table. In fact, soup and starter which could have been served earlier were not taken care of. To my surprise, paneer was not cooked properly and was very less in the Briyani even though it is named as Paneer Special Briyani.I personally was very much disappointed with the service because it took more time than usual and because the quantity and the quality both were compromised. I would request you to train your staff, assign someone to welcome and address customers as soon as they are inside the premises and decrease the server time for soup and starters. I hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration followed with quick action. Yours faithfully,Mana v Parmar
Dear Sir or Madam,

Yesterday I took my family to your restaurant for a dinner party to celebrate my son's birthday. I am sorry to say that our experience at your place was not as good as we expected. We were not happy with the service and the quality of food provided there. I would request you to take some action regarding this.

When we went to a restaurant so prestigious and renowned, we expected a warm welcome, good service and delicious food. But we never got any of this. After we arrived at the diner, it took more than 15 minutes for the receptionist to provide us with a table although later on, we realized that there were many empty tables. We were not offered any welcome drinks and our host never showed us cordial behaviour. Besides, it took them more than 40 minutes to serve us our order. The food which we were served felt half-cooked and tasteless! We were not able to eat even half the plate we were served and we had to walk disappointed and empty stomach from your diner.

I would really appreciate it if you can look into the matter and discuss with your staff to behave cordially with the customers. I would also recommend you to talk to your chef about the quality of food.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully

Jack Naveen

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a regular customer of your restaurant, and I often enjoy the great food and high-quality service you offer. However, during my last visit and dining at your restaurant, I got a rather different experience than usual which triggered this letter of complaint.

It was a casual dinner party with my colleagues. As usual, I ordered some popular items from your restaurant hoping to impress my colleagues. Unfortunately, one of the dishes "chicken tikka masala" was not properly cooked hence leaving a distinct smell of raw chicken. While I informed the matter to the on-duty manager, to my surprise, he was trying to defend himself instead of showing empathy to the customer.

In any service industry, it is pivotal to accept customers' opinions, try to show empathy and correct the things as demanded by the customer. This event hurt my image to a certain extent to my colleagues.

My intention is not to receive any type of compensation for the unwanted situation. I would be really happy to see that the corrective measures are taken with priority to eradicate any further similar occurrence which will be detrimental to the goodwill that you have earned by relentless hard work over the years.

I am looking forward to seeing the improvement implemented by you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Hassan S

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a regular customer of your restaurant in the city centre area, and I have always preferred your eatery. I had been satisfied with your quality and service, but I can not say that anymore!

Unfortunately, during the last Diwali festival, I threw a small party for my family members. But I was unhappy and unsatisfied due to poor food and service quality. I booked this party 15 days beforehand and clearly explained about the party and the menu along with the fact that we will have a complete vegetable menu. The main course was with 4 main vegetable curries and 2 soups and the dessert item was ice creams.

Regarding the problem, your staff mistakenly served us chicken which was unacceptable considering the time and energy I had spent to explain to them about the menu. Moreover, the vegetable curry was overcooked and not tasty. The soups were not made of original tomato juice but made of artificial tomato purey. The soups did not have the great aroma that your soups always have had.

In fact, our last visit to your eatery was a disaster. Because I am a frequent customer of your hotel, I expect great service and great food quality and nothing less.

So please take necessary actions about the matter and keep your restaurant in good service with quality food.

Yours sincerely,

Srinu R

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to raise my concern about the discrepancy in prices advertized in your portal to the actual.

My name is T. Rajesh Kumar. My family and I stopped by your restaurant while going to my home town after attending a marriage in your nearby location. We heard that your restaurant is a great place to spend money on delicious food. We have already gone through your menu online and reached your restaurant hoping for delicious food. After having good meals and desserts in your restaurant, we were surprised to see the bill with a considerable difference in prices.

You treated us very well and I like your staff for their prompt reaction to customer needs, but it was really disappointing to us to see such irresponsibilit y for such a great restaurant.

I hope you take your own interest in fixing this misleading issue asap, otherwise, it will create a great loss to your restaurant.

Yours Faithfully,

T. Rajesh Kumar

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Shashi Ranjan, and I have recently travelled to Mexico from India with my family. Yesterday was my marriage anniversary and to celebrate it with my family, I booked a table in your restaurant. When I arrived at your restaurant with my family I assumed that it is a perfect place to celebrate my special day but after some time, I noticed a few problems which I would like to inform you about.

First, your service was too slow and the wait-time was insanely high for every order. Second, the waiters were not polite enough. Third, and most importantly, the food quality was not good and it was extremely spicy. As my daughter was not able to eat any item at all except the dessert.

Considering the situation, I requested a waiter to change a menu item and make something less spicy for her but no action was taken. the whole experience was disappointing and depressing.

I am writing this letter to inform you of the situation so that you can improve your service.

Yours faithfully,

Shashi Ranjan

Ashok Kumar
Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Peter and I want to raise some concerns about the meal and service that we were offered during our visit to your restaurant. I am hoping that you would take necessary steps so that it does not happen to any other customer as it will hurt your business reputation.I and my wife Joanna visited your restaurant on May 10th to celebrate our 12th marriage anniversary. Your restaurant was recommended to me by a close friend and I took my wife there as I wanted to treat her with the best food in town. But the experience ended in disappointment.After making ourselves comfortable at your eatery, we waited almost 20 minutes for a waiter who could attend us. After finally talking to a couple of restaurant staff, we were able to place our order with one of the waiters. But even after waiting for 40 minutes, neither did our food arrive nor we were informed by the waiter about the possible delay. To my utmost disappointment, the served food was cold and it looked like the dish was prepared long ago! When we complained about the cold food, we were told that on a busy day, it takes time to serve food.I would insist you to look into this issue. I believe, your restaurant was understaffed. I would suggest you hire more waiters so that guests could be served on time and they leave the restaurant with happy memories.I hope you would take this matter seriously.Yours Sincerely,Peter
Aguinaldo Silva
You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In your letter » explain why you were at the restaurant » describe the problems » write about the action you want the manager to take Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Aguinaldo Silva and I have been your client for over five years now, however, given my last experience, I am not sure if this relationship will last any longer.Last Saturday my wife and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary and as usual, we went to your restaurant, was looking for a very nice and private night, but it ended in disappointment. We ordered our favourite dishes. Regrettably, it was quite different this time. The served crabs were not properly cooked and it had a foul taste. Also, my shrimps were not fresh, they seemed to be soaking in water for a long and the taste was not good. The rice was not properly cooked and we were very frustrated with that. We did not have any choice but to head out from the restaurant. We paid for our meal but did not enjoy either the food or the night.I would like to keep being your customer, but it will rely on your position regarding this situation.Regards,Aguinal do Silva.
Dear Sir or Madam,Last week my family held a party at your restaurant. The event celebrated my 23rd birthday but an appalling food quality and poor service ruined it. I am hoping that you would train your staff and chef not to repeat it. With regards to the dreadful food quality, they were completely cold. Your staff took more than 30 minutes to serve the cold dishes. I even doubt if they were freshly cooked! In addition, it was too salty. So, my grandparents, who suffer from high blood pressure, could not enjoy it. When we complained about the food, we were miserably treated. Perhaps I could have complained to the city council for the way we were treated but I am writing you instead. First, train your staff professional manners. Then replace your cook who cannot win the hearts of customers with his food. Second, it is better to recommend the kitchen personnel to add the right quantity of salts and spices to the food.I hope that you will address these concerns as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,Farn az Goli
Second line:And recommended that I pay a visit, not "recommend me"
Dear Sir/ Madam,I along with my family went to your restaurant at Woodroof Rd in Greenville on 22nd February 2018. One of my colleagues who was impressed with your menu recommended me to pay a visit. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the food that was served to us on that day.We arrived at your restaurant around 8.00 pm and we had a reservation under the name of “Yash”. We ordered Tomato Soup, Gobi Manchurian, Veg Biriyani and Dahi Makhni that day. The soup was one of the best soups we had in Greenville. Having this soup we had high expectations for the rest of the servings but we were extremely disappointed with the outcome. The Gobi Manchurians were difficult to chew as they weren’t fried properly. The side chutney served with the Manchurian had a foul smell. We approached the waiter who served us and complained about the Manchurian, but he blamed it on the cook and carried away with his work. Besides, the biriyani was worst we ever had, the rice was undercooked and the masalas were just sprinkled on the half-cooked rice. My wife suffered from food poisoning after having the biriyani that day and had to visit a hospital. It would be great if you could hire a new chef or train the old one so that no one in future experience what we had to face.I hope you would take this matter seriously and take an appropriate action.Yours sincerely,Yash
John Cary
Dear SirMy name is John Cary and I am a frequent diner at your restaurant. I am writing this letter to express my displeasure with the food served and service provided to me last week at your restaurant.I had visited the restaurant with my family to celebrate the 50th birthday of my father and as it was a special day for us, so we chose to celebrate it in our preferred family restaurant. But we were extremely disappointed and regretted our decision. The food that was ordered took a long time to be served and was extremely cold. The lamb steak was not properly cooked and had a very pungent odour. The plates were very dirty and also some of the dishes served were salty and not up to our expectation. Further, when we complained about the food to the newly appointed supervisor, he refused to accept it initially and later changed them but with no significant difference from our previous servings. We even overheard the customers at the next table making similar complaints. I urge you to take necessary action and make a detailed inquiry about what went wrong in the kitchen that day resulting in customer dissatisfaction and ruining our special event. In addition, the restaurant supervisor should be properly trained to be courteous in handling customer complaints and take necessary steps to fix problems quickly.Your prompt action in this regard will highly be appreciated.Thank YouYours FaithfullyJohn Cary.
ABD Alwhab Mansur
Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to express my disappointment about the meal I had last night at your restaurant. I went to your eatery to have dinner with my family on occasion of my son's 10th birthday. I picked your restaurant due to its reputation and my previous good experience. But this time, I have had a dreadful experience. When I visited your restaurant last night with my family to celebrate my son's birthday, I was quite hopeful that the whole family would have a wonderful evening. Even though I booked a week ago, we did not find a place prepared for us! This was very shocking and annoying. It shows the lack of attention and respect from your staff. After waiting for a long, we tried to pursue our dinner as expected. Unfortunately, we were surprised with the unsatisfactory and poor that your staff served. This is definitely a bad sign for your famous and tasty menus. We couldn’t stand those kinds of dishes in special events with our guests.Although I tried to solve the problem with your waiter and chef by replacing another dish, I got no response from them and I decided to complain to you in order to tack a proper action to bring the good service back to your restaurant. Otherwise, we will never deal with you again.Yours sincerely,Abdal whab
Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Lu. The reason why I am writing this letter is to complain about meal and service we had last night during a birthday celebration at your restaurant. Every time when we have a reason to go out we choose your premise because your organization is catering customers at the required level. However, Last night we were disappointed with the service of your waiter. She was so rude that we were given up to order something more. In addition, my wife was not contented with the food we had because the plov we ordered was cold and fatty. It seemed that the meal was kept from yesterday evening and heated in a microwave oven just before serving because the internal side of the dish was too cold while outside was hot. The last but not least, employees at your restaurant tried to overcharge us 50 dollars. In case I did not recount the bill, your staff would have cheated us. I demand a full refund of the cost of the meals and desserts that we have ordered as a compensation to the repugnant situation we had at your restaurant. I look forward to your immediate response regarding this matter.Yours faithfully,L
You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In the letter:» explain why you were at the restaurant» describe the problems» write about the action you want the manager to takeSample Letter: Dear Sir/Madam,I am a frequent diner at your restaurant, most especially during special occasions. What I loved most about your place is the cozy ambience and the delectable variety of menus your offer. I am writing to express my disappointment over one of the menus we ordered that nearly harmed us.Two nights ago it was my father's 80th birthday and our family decided to celebrate that momentous event at your restaurant. Aside from it is just a ten minutes drive from where we live, the resto has also a homey atmosphere with a classic taste. The food was served and all went well until my mother felt a hard and sharp substance while chewing her food. We found out later that the substance is a piece of broken glass. Further investigation on our part revealed that the object came from the Shanghai rice. We immediately told the waiter and showed him the small chunks of broken glass in the platter. Promptly, the waiter informed the Supervisor in which the latter expressed his earnest apologies and agreed to replace the food.Customer satisfaction and client's safety are vital claims to earn a good reputation. It nearly endangered our lives and the experience was traumatic. This is maybe an overlook on the part of your kitchen service staff but preventive measures should be done to avoid untoward incidents like these. I place my full trust that you take this matter seriously and take appropriate actions promptly.Faithfully yours,France.
Swathi Thada
Dear Sir/Madam,I have visited your restaurant last night, with my family. I have been here a couple of times with my friends and liked the taste and ambiance. So, I have decided to take my family there for dinner.We have ordered "Paradise Chicken Biryani" and unfortunately, it was inedible. The Chicken was not properly cooked and the rice was smokey. While I was talking to the waiter about the same, my 5-year-old son took a bite of the chicken. He got a mild allergy the other day and is on medication currently.It would have been avoided if you could have taken care of the hygiene of food being served at your restaurant. I request you to make a note of this and take care of the quality of the food, as there will be hundreds of people who eat there every day.I hope you will take proper actions on our request.Thanks,Swathi.
Superb answer.
I could've sworn I wrote this letter. Slightly different words but I raised the same issues and organised my write-up in the same manner.
IELTS Letter Writing: You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In the letter:» explain why you were at the restaurant» describe the problems» write about the action you want the manager to take.Sample Answer: Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to express my uttermost dissatisfaction with your restaurant's meal and customer service and I would like to file a complaint regarding this issue.Yesterday we went to your restaurant to celebrate my wife's birthday. My family and I planned to surprise her and enjoy our meal and time at your restaurant, which is next to our house and has a good reputation. However, our celebration was ruined and we were totally discontented. First of all, it took more than 30 minutes for your staff to bring the menu and take our orders, it was quite frustrating. Then, after a long delay, approximately 1 hour of the order, the food was served and to our surprise, most of the item were already cold! Two item were not cooked properly and the smell of the meat and chicken was very strong and unsuitable for eating. My wife is suffering from diarrhea because of this terrible night.I expect immediate action to be taken on your side to solve this issue. You have to provide more training to your staff and observe their customer service quality, especially the chefs. Also, you should make them aware how under-cooked food effect on people's health. According to what we experienced last night, I request a special night for free as a compensation.Expecting a prompt action from your side. Sincerely, Mohanad.
J J Bhatt
Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is J J Bhatt, and I am writing this letter to inform you regarding the deplorable service and meal that I had received yesterday at your restaurant. I hope you will take the necessary steps to improve your food quality as well as service.

I visited your restaurant yesterday evening with my family. We had high expectations from our visit as your restaurant was recommended by one of our relatives. However, a couple of things made me thoroughly disappointed and I am not sure if I will ever visit the restaurant again. Firstly, the service provided was not professional enough to satisfy us. We had to wait for almost one hour for having our meal on the table. Secondly, we observed that the meal was not fresh and had a bad odour. The curry tasted pungent and we could not finish our meal due to this. Finally, after informing our concerns to your staff members, they did not respond properly.

Certainly, I felt utterly disappointed in your service and food which we had yesterday. I would like to inform you to please provide adequate cuisine and train your staff members to communicate properly with customers.

I hope you will take this letter into consideration and try to improve the service and meal quality in your restaurant.

Yours Faithfully,

J J Bhatt

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to complain about the experience yesterday I had at your restaurant which was not expected and had spoiled the image of me as an individual and the restaurant as well.

Just to give you the heads up about the issue we had, I had placed the order for panner, rice and some complimentary snacks as part of your delivery. I organized a party to celebrate my brother's birthday as we heard about positive feedback especially about the customer service at your place. But my experience was worst in all aspects - customer service and food.

To be precise, after waiting for long and multiple follow up, we could get one dish of paneer, but we realized that it had already spoiled and could lead up to health issues. I did notify the restaurant in charge about it. But he continuously argued, and it filled me with a disappointing feeling.

I would highly appreciate your action towards the improvement of your customer service.

I hope you will take this matter seriously.

Thanks for.

Yours faithfully,

Shub Saxena

Dear Mr Patrick,

I am writing this letter regarding my recent visit to your restaurant with my family which was not at all pleasant. I hope you will take the necessary actions to improve your service and food quality.

While driving to Montan road a couple of days ago, I heard a radio announcement about your newly opened restaurant. with the hope to taste some savoury food and spend a great time, I decided to take my family to your restaurant. But, I now regret the decision. The time and money that I spent at your restaurant were not worth it!

First, after 20 minutes of our order, a waitress approached and asked us to change our menu since the dish we ordered was not available. She should not have taken 20 minutes to realise that the dish could not be served. Then we ordered your set menu 2 and 3 and both were served cold. We did not enjoy our meal at all.

This was a disappointing experience for us all. I hope you would look after the issue, and take the necessary actions so that it does not happen with any other customer. Also, instruct your chef and cooks to cook delicious food instead of serving just tasteless food at a high price.

Yours faithfully,

Rashad M.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to complain about the food that was served to us on January 05th, 2022 at your restaurant.

I and my wife were on our honeymoon trip, and, on the said date, we selected to dine at your restaurant as it has the fame to be one of the finest restaurants in the town. We ordered mutton curry, rice, salad and two dessert items. But the experience was bitter for us.

First, we had to wait more than 45 minutes to get our food on our table. Secondly, the mutton that we were served had an unpleasant smell, and we could not eat it due to this reason. The rice was half-cooked and the salad was bitter in taste. We complained to the waiter but he did not respond at all. He told that there was nothing wrong with the dish.

It did spoil our beautiful evening and we have to abandon your establishment with an empty stomach. This was the utter disappointment that we had to face due to the poor quality of food and services provided at your restaurant. I demand a complete refund of the money that I paid for the food. I also request you to inquire the matter from the waiter and cook and if they are not capable to cook and serve well, please arrange some training for your staff.

Your earliest response to this letter would be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Mohid Khuram

Bhupinder Singh
Dear sir,I am writing this letter in regard to my recent visit to your restaurant, "Desi Junction" on the Scott road. I was there with my whole family to celebrate my son's birthday. It was a happy day which turned into disappointing due to the bad food and service we got from your restaurant.I booked my table 14 for thirteen people two days prior to the occasion and in fact, received the confirmation through an email. When we visited your restaurant on my son's birthday, no table was available for us and a staff member told us to wait for about 10 minutes which in fact, turned to 25 minutes! Secondly, the food we ordered was not served in the right quantity and at the top of it, the food items were bit cold. When we asked one of your employees to take it back and fetch us a fresh one, we were puzzled by the unprofessional behaviour of your staff. Therefore, I would like to notify you about this situation which literally ruined our celebration. Your restaurant is always the favourite place for my family to celebrate all our special occasions, but I guess this is not the case anymore. I expect you to take immediate action and educate your staff to provide good customer service and train them how to handle customer concerns with care. Also, no discount was offered to me for all this inconvenience caused. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.With best regards,Bhupind er Singh604-396-xxxx.
Letter Writing Topic: You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant.Answer: Dear sir, On 20th October 2016, I took my family to your restaurant to celebrate my wife's birthday. So far it was our favourite restaurant and we frequently went there for taking our meals or to celebrate any special occasion. But it was quite a shocking experience for me to celebrate my wife's birthday party at your restaurant. As soon as we arrived, I noticed that no party decoration work was done though I mentioned it twice and paid an advance for that! We ordered starter menu first and then mutton curry with fried rice. After waiting for more than 45 minutes, a waiter served the food. However, the quality of service and food arrangement were awful. We ordered special curry with mutton but they provided us hard and cold mutton. Besides the quality of fried rice was not up to the mark. We felt very much annoyed. At last, we told your staff to give us coffee but the waiter could not serve that because of the unavailability of the coffee. Actually, it was a very bad day for us a great celebration was ruined due to the bad meal we were served. We have already promised not to visit your restaurant.Last but not the least, you should take proper action for improving the quality of your food and service. Also, do change the chef and waiters very urgently. Besides, try to recruit some energetic and polite waiters which will very much beneficiary for your restaurant. Thank you.Your faithfully,Sonj oy.
You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In the letter:» explain why you were at the restaurant» describe the problems» write about the action you want the manager to take.Dear Sir/Madam, I, along with my family members, was in your restaurant on 1st of August for the first birthday celebration of my daughter. Your restaurant is the one stop place for most of our familial celebrations. It is very close to my house and the hospitality offered by your staff is incredible.Unfortunately, the party we organised on the 1st August turned into a chaos. We booked the family hall for 25 people a week ago, which was confirmed with Mr Pat, Assitant In charge. When we were about to begin the event, another family came to our venue claiming that they had booked the venue. We had to leave the place because of the unorganised booking.After that, we decided to continue the event at our home with a great frustration. We had to convince every of our invited guests that it was a mistake and some of them left the venue due to their disappointment. But a bigger frustration came when we unboxed the birthday cake. The cake seemed so weird and the shape of Hello Kitty that was assured to us was not made.In this regard, I would like you to take a prompt action regarding the careless booking system. This happened due to the negligence of one of your staff members and would like the assurance from your side for the better management of the special events like this. I look forward to hearing from you with proper explanation.Sincerely,Biwas
Dear Sir / Madam,I am writing to complain about the food we were served in your restaurant last Friday. I am Jyoti and a local inhabitant of the town.Last Friday I, along with my sisters, went to your restaurant to have our lunch. After we did our shopping, we felt hungry. We noticed your restaurant and thought to experience a fabulous lunch as we heard so much about your restaurant. But our experience in your restaurant was very disappointing.Initially we ordered mo:mo as we are very fond of it. Next, we ordered chow mein. The waiter told us that food would arrive in next 15 minutes. But we waited for nearly 45 minutes and no food appeared in front of us. Suddenly a waiter brought mo:mo. But when we tasted it, it tasted like the stale food of few days! We could not eat it. We complained it to the waiter. He told us to complain it to the manager. It was quite unprofessional and embarrassing. When chow mein arrived, we thought it would be tasty which would fulfil our appetite. But when we started eating, we found that it was too much salty and oily. We stopped eating it. After some hot debates with your waiter, we paid for the food we ordered. I want to inform you that your restaurant is located near a very popular mall. If you improve your food quality you can attract many costumers and enhance your reputation. But if you provide these types of service, your restaurant will get a bad reputation and would be forced to get out of the business. So you should change your chef and employ experienced and cordial staff. I hope you will put our request into action.Yours FaithfullyJyoti .
Hi, I have a doubt in this line from Model 1:I will appreciate you if you could have taken an action about this inconvenience.My Doubt is - could have taken VS could takeThis event is not yet happened, you are telling the manager to do something based on your letter. So how can we say - could have taken. Correct me if I am wrong. Is this right ? I will appreciate you if you could take an action about this inconvenience. Regards - Manoj.
You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In the letter:» explain why you were at the restaurant.» describe the problems.» write about the action you want the manager to take.Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing you today to express my utmost disappointment and dissatisfaction about the food and service I had received in your restaurant on my mother's 52nd birthday. I am Keshav Grover, visited your restaurant with my family last Friday on a special occasion- my mother's birthday, to rejoice the evening with them. We ordered the Thai-soup & some appetisers and the main course from the menu. First of all, the waiter took more than an hour to serve the order. Moreover, the food ingredients were in a stale condition and were not properly cooked! Therefore we called the waiter to inform about the food and surprisingly he just ignored and acted as if we were making unreasonable complaints. He did not even try to explain to us what was wrong! The food and the service ruined our celebration. you can understand our frustration when I and my family left the restaurant with an empty stomach. My experience with your restaurant was so disgraceful. So, I request you to take this matter seriously and take a proper action.Yours Faithfully.Keshav Grover.
Dear Sir/Madam,My name is Jani Torres and I visited your restaurant last Friday- 8th February 2016, together with my family and friends. We planned to celebrate my daughter's 7th birthday on the said date and even booked for a reservation beforehand with the assistant manager one week ago.we arrived at the restaurant thirty minutes before the agreed time as we were informed that we can have additional preparations for the party. Unfortunately, the things that we requested in accordance to the party were not followed. First, we have given the exact number of guests who would be present in the party but to my surprise, not enough tables and chairs were available at that time and that was quite embarrassing for me and my family. Second, the dish that we chose was altered slightly without even informing us.Third, we chose the entertainment package while we booked but neither the gaming facility nor any music was present on that day. We were told that there was a staff scarcity to accommodate us any additional entertainment.I was really disappointed with the services that your restaurant and staff have offered. My husband and I do not plan to make any more commotions but we do hope that no other customers will experience the same the way we did. Please do treat your customers fairly as we are paying the fees properly.Thank you.Sincerely,Jani Torres.
It could have been better if you would have given BAND SCORE for each sample posted on your website. So we could know the level of that essay. Thank you so much. This source is so helpful.
Kulwinder Singh
Dear Sir,My name is Kulwinder Singh. I visited your restaurant last night. I am writing this letter to you about my dissatisfaction with the food that was served to us.Yesterday I went to your restaurant with my family to give them a treat to celebrate my recent promotion. I wanted to make the day amusing and memorable. But I am terribly sorry to say that we spoiled our evening by visiting your restaurant. Your restaurant is famous for roasted chicken and that is why we ordered it. But we were shocked to taste it! It was cold and raw from inside. Nobody would believe that it was cooked and prepared by some expert chef! Due to the bad taste of the chicken, we could not eat anything further. We returned almost with an empty stomach!On reaching home my wife made something light for us so that we would not have to sleep hungry. It was an unfortunate experience for us. I request you to take prompt action in this regard so that nobody suffers due negligence of your staff.Hoping to hear from you about the action you have taken for not to repeat this kind of folly in future.Thanking you,Yours Sincerely,KSA.
Vincent Carr
Dear Sir/Madam,I am Vincent Carr, a regular customer in your restaurant. I have been enjoying my meals in your restaurant for the last past 5 years and last Saturday, 30th April 2016 around 8 o'clock in the evening, my family and I had a dinner at your bistro to celebrate my wife's birthday. I am writing you to express my displeasure with the food and service that I received on that day. First of all, my family ordered the signature meal ‘The Curry Fish Head’. I specifically told the waiter to serve us the nonspicy one which he acknowledged. When the dish arrived, I was surprised that he served us the spicy dish! I called for the attention of the waiter and asked him regarding the dish. Surprisingly, he just told us that your restaurant does not serve the nonspicy Curry Fish Head and he left us acting like he was so busy.Secondly, when I demanded to speak to the manager, the waiter told me that he was occupied and he would relay the message to the manager. I felt like the waiter was so rude and did not know how to handle such incidents. I demand to ask for an explanation regarding the incident. I left your restaurant without knowing if the waiter did convey the message that I gave to him. Hoping for your quick response.Yours Truly,Vincent Carr.
Gasgas Abelgas
Question: You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In the letter:» explain why you were at the restaurant» describe the problems» write about the action you want the manager to take.Answer: Dear sir/madam,I am writing to inform you about the terrible meal and service we had experienced yesterday in your restaurant.We planned to surprise our parents by treating them on their 50th marriage anniversary. That is why, we decided to bring them to one of the finest restaurants in town, enjoy our time and experience different types of cuisines. According to our plan, we came to yours one. However, upon entering the restaurant, one of your employees hit my 75-year-old mother in the shoulder with the tray he was holding. I did not notice the incident but my mum told me when we got home and she said that the employee did not even apologise for it. I told my mother that your staff were busy but I knew that it was unprofessional and rude not to apologise. In addition, I would like to express my dissatisfaction for the slow service we had. It took us an hour before the food was served and that was a very bad experience for us.I would like to suggest you to have few additional staff members to facilitate the customers. Also, a performance evaluation might be necessary for your employees to prevent them from being rude to customers. sometimes. I look forward to hearing that you have taken prompt action to address the problem.Yours faithfully,Gasg as AbelgasPlease comment how can I improve my letter writing.. Thanks.
When you are complaining regarding the meal on a restaurant it doesn't necessarily have to be the food, it can be how they served your meal or how the prepared your meal. It's all about the services.
Thanks a lot for your comment and advice. I understand your concern. However, when someone complains about a meal, it does not have to be the poor food quality always. Poor service can often ruin your dining experience. Our advice would be to mention both the poor food quality and bad service for this letter.
Jefffrey Quinones
Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to express my concern and dissatisfaction about the meal and poor service that I received yesterday from your restaurant. My wife and I visited your Bistro to celebrate our 2nd marriage anniversary and we were accompanied by some of our friends and family members. Your restaurant was highly recommended by my best friend and recently I liked the way you advertised your service on TV.We intended to order five different menus - pasta, pizza, roasted chicken, caesar salad and special ham. Apparently, we waited for 40 minutes before someone arrived to take our order. I assume your staff members did that only from negligence. I was so disappointed when I had to keep my guests waiting for more than an hour before the menu arrived and frustratingly they were all cold. Moreover, the taste of foods was not really convincing as what you advertise on TV. Truly an upsetting issue for all of us.I recommend that you look in to this issue and make the price more reasonable. Also, work on the menu to improve the quality by adding more ingredients or by replacing your chef. I do hope this problem will be addressed promptly by you to keep your business reputation.Yours faithfully,Jeff rey G Quinones.
Dear Manager,I am writing this letter to inform you about the bad experience we had at your restaurant last night.Being a regular customer, I have frequented your restaurant for almost 5 years with my family and friends. I have recommended your restaurant to many of my colleagues and friends because of the great food and service your team provides to us. But last night's service and the quality of food were just opposite to our expectation. We ordered some starters and soups in the beginning which came after we waited for 45 minutes and that too was cold & not properly cooked. You can imagine the frustration we had at that time after receiving it after such a long time. We decided not to order further for the main course as we were not able to swallow that cold soup and starters. Adding to that when we complained this to one of your staff members we got very annoying and unprofessional response that they forgot to serve the food because of such a huge crowd on eve of Ester and challenged us to go ahead with complaint to the manager. It is quite an irresponsible and unprofessional behaviour of your staffs and the quality of food being served as against the reputation of your restaurant have in the market. Please take this complaint seriously and act against the staff who were responsible for yesterday's serviceThanking You Abhi.
Muhammad Ali
Dear Sir/MadamMy name is Muhammad Ali and I am writing with the regards to my frustration from a recent visit to your restaurant. On March 09, 2017, I visited your restaurant with my wife. I went to your restaurant based on one of my best friends’ recommendation. He shared a very positive review of your restaurant, foods, and services and therefore, I decided to celebrate my wife’s birthday there. But to my surprise, the decision was a terrible one!We ordered the corn soup, chicken biryani, chicken curry and bread. First of all, the waiter took more than an hour to serve the food even though there were a few other customers at that moment. Initially, he told us it will take only 15 minutes but he kept us waiting for more than an hour without any explanation. Second, the soup was cold and foods were not properly cooked. Third, we ordered chicken curry but your stuff served us mutton curry which was quite furious.I will appreciate if you try to understand my dissatisfaction and take proper action about the inconvenience which we had to experience in a special event. If you continue with your current chefs, then this restaurant’s reputation will go down pretty soon. Also, try to train your waiters about manners and professional behaviours. Yours faithfullyMuham mad Ali.
Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to complain about the low-quality food that we were served in your restaurant last Sunday. I am Krupa, visited your restaurant with my family as we decided to celebrate my mother's birthday. We are regular diners at your restaurant; hence we decided to order tomato soup with cream, but to our surprise, we found that the soup was not hot enough and bread crumbs were also missing! this is quite surprising! We complained to the waiter to replace the soup. We found that he again brought the same soup bowls and we were very disappointed by the service. Moreover the main course served was also very oily and my child had a severe stomach pain after we went home. I demand the full refund of the money for the food we ordered and for the inconvenience caused. I look forward for the immediate response against this. Yours SincerelyKrupa.