Letter Writing # 147 - Write a letter to friend inviting to stay with you

IELTS Letter Writing / GT Writing Task 1:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Last year you met someone on holiday and became friends. He/she has informed you that he/she will be travelling near your hometown on business in a few months’ time.

Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to stay with you. In your letter,

  • express how pleased you are to hear from him/her
  • invite him/her to stay with you
  • tell him/her about your ideas of how you could spend some time together

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ...............,

Model Answer 1:

Dear Mathew,

It was a pleasant surprise to receive your letter yesterday. The happiness doubled when I learnt that you will be in Singapore in December with your wife for some professional reasons and have plans to stay a bit longer to wander around the city. I am quite excited to meet you and your wife and cordially welcome you to stay with us as long as you wish.

Our memory, together in Bali, Indonesia last year, is still fresh and I am happy to have the chance to meet you in a distant country. How daunting it would have been if someone so kind like you did not find the papers I lost! You were like an angel sent by God to save me from a disaster. The more I learned about you, the more attached I felt to you as a friend.

I live in an apartment located in the centre of Singapore city with my wife and have a spare room that you can use during your stay. My wife, Eugene, is equally excited to have you in our city. After you complete your professional works, we will visit some notable places like the Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay, Chinatown, Changi Chapel and Museum and enjoy local foods and movies.

I am looking forward to having you with us. Have a safe journey.

Warm wishes,



Model Answer 2:

Dear Annie,
Hope you are doing well by the grace of the Almighty. Let me tell you how happy and pleased I'm to learn that you will be visiting a place near my hometown on a business trip within a few months. You'll also be glad to know that I've told my family about how we became such good friends after meeting with each other on a holiday tour.
Anyway, it is exciting to learn about your business trip near my hometown. It would be even nicer if could make an arrangement and stay with me for a couple of days before leaving for your home. By the way, I live in a nice and reasonably quiet town, minus the hectic lifestyle of a busy city, and so I think that you would enjoy it here. Besides, I already have made plans to visit a few places like a world-class movie theatre, a nice public park with a big lake in it and of course, a couple of upscale restaurants where food is just so awesome. So, please let me know what you think about my plan.
Can't wait to meet you.
Warm wishes,

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Dear Alexander,

I'm thrilled to hear from you and learn that you'll be visiting Kashkadarya next month. I've been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to meet you again ever since our holiday in Saint Petersburg last year. Without our friendship, I wouldn't have experienced the wonders of Russian life and enjoyed that incredible time in your charming city.

I hope you can make arrangements to stay with me in Karshi for a couple of days before you head back home. My house has a lovely spare room that you can use, and my family is excited to meet you too. During your stay, we'll explore the bazaars in Karshi, savour the best Uzbek cuisine at local restaurants, and go on a sightseeing trip to Shakhrisabs. There are many historical places to see, and I'm certain you will thoroughly enjoy your time here.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,


Untung Sutia Marna
It's very useful for me as an English teacher in Indonesia. I have some problems to compose the letter because of some reasons, such as background culture and a specific term to expressions something in English. Thank you so much for your contribution.
Not bad, I would say.
Nice letter model Fadi Al-Damiri. Keep up the good work.
Fadi Al-Damiri
Letter Writing Topic:Last year you met someone on holiday and became friends. He/she has informed you that they will be travelling near your hometown on business in a few months’ time.Write a letter to your friend inviting them to stay with you. In your letter: - express how pleased you are to hear from them - invite them to stay with you - tell them about your ideas of how you could spend the time togetherWrite at least 150 words.Sample Letter: Dear Sara,It was my utmost pleasure to receive your letter and I really am grateful for our friendship. I'm thrilled to hear that you'll visit my county for some works next March. It was indeed lovely to see your family when we met at Dublin during our holidays. I've many nostalgic memories of you and I really miss you.I am overwhelmed that you'll visit our city and I already have a list of plans. So, perhaps it'd be a good idea to invite you to stay at my home. I have a big house with 3 floors. I can prepare an apartment on the 2nd floor for you to stay in. It has a wonderful view which can ensorcel your mind.I have thought about places where we can visit together and interesting things we can do together. I'll take you to Jerash to visit the ancient Roman city and later enjoy a movie. We can try some local foods and enjoy the life in Jordan. I have a plan to take you to Petra, a famous archaeological site, and Qasr Amra, desert castles and have some wonderful time there. You'll enjoy your stay here, I'm sure.Hope to hear from you very soon, and I'm really looking forward to seeing you. Take care.With lots of love.Fadi.
Lucas Varghese Thomas
Dear Philip,Good Day! How are you? Hope you are doing great. I recently met you during my last vacation which I hope you remember. We stayed at Royal Hotel South in New Jersey and had some fun time together. I am exhilarated to know that you are coming to my neighbourhood for some official business and I am very much looking forward to meeting you. My home is just two blocks away and I would appreciate if we could hang out sometime after your arrival. I believe you are new to this area so I could show you around with more exciting places to visit. Please inform me when you reach so that I can make arrangements to make this enjoyable. I would like to take you to places which are famous among the visiting tourists and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I am looking forward to it. I would like you to meet my family and stay a couple of days at our house. Wishing you a pleasant journey.Hoping to hear from you soon.Regards,Lucas Varghese Thomas