Letter Writing # 148 - Write to the local police station for the lost ID card

IELTS Letter Writing / GT Writing Task 1:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are a student at a university in the UK. You have recently lost your university ID card. Write to the local police station, giving details of who you are, what happened and ask to record your details so that you can apply for a new ID card.

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir or Madam, 

Model Answer 1:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Sherin Emma, a second-year student at the University of Liverpool and my major is Economics. I am writing to report a lost identification card that I was provided by my university.

I respectfully state that on 21st December, I went to the local stadium to enjoy a music concert and had been there from 4.00 pm to 7:00 pm. After I returned to my room, at around 7:44 in the evening, I could not find my University ID. I am positive that I had it with me when I entered the stadium. I must have missed it during the concert.

I immediately notified the occurrence to the university dean and he suggested that I should report it to the police station and have a copy of the report to apply for a new ID card. I waited two days hoping that someone might find it and return it to the university but unfortunately it did not happen. Now I would like you to officially record the incidence of my lost ID card so that I can collect a copy and apply for a new one. The ID has my name - Sherin Emma and number LUA-45874E, inscribed on it and is valid until 30th November 2023.

I would be much obliged if you kindly register my lost ID case and provide me with a copy of that to help me get a new one.

Yours faithfully,

Sherin Emma


Sample Answer 2:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to report on a lost identification card which was issued by my university. My name is Paul Jeremy, and I am a final year post-graduate student at the University of Manchester, majoring in Finance.

As soon as I became aware that I do not have my student ID with me this morning, I immediately informed the university authority about it. But, in response, they asked me to report the incident to the local police.

Of course, the local police authority would need to record some specific information about what I did yesterday or which places I visited, so I will go ahead and do just that. To begin with, yesterday, after finishing my classes, I went to Victoria Park for a while. After that, I went to the Curry Mile in order to eat some food before going back to my home on Denmark Road.  By the way, my ID card number is BK – 4982372 and it has my picture on it.

So, based on these details above, please provide me with some necessary documents at your earliest convenience so that I can apply for another student ID.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jeremy

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Hossein Tashakori
"Suggested me to report" is totally wrong! It would be 'Suggested reporting to me'.
Sanjib Porel
Lucas Varghese Thomas
Dear Sir, My name is Lucas Varghese Thomas. I am a student at St. Petersburg University doing my 2nd Year in MBA. I had lost my University ID yesterday in the evening while I left in my room. I couldn't find my ID the following morning even after a thorough search. I had reported this issue to the hostel warden and he instructed me to file a complaint to the nearest police station and that is why I am writing to you.My ID number is 06MBA17 and that was issues from the university during my admission around 2 years ago. I have requested my management to help me as I need it for appearing for my curriculum. I would like to register my details so that it can aid you in this investigation so that in the meantime I can apply for a new ID.Kindly do me the needful.Thanks and Regards,Lucas Varghese Thomas.