IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer (band score 8-9)

IELTS Essay # 505 - Schools have severe problems with student behaviour

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In many countries, schools have severe problems with student behaviour.

What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer 1:
Nowadays, schools in various parts of the world report that students tend to have behavioural problems. Unfortunately, this will make it harder for schools to educate students as problematic behaviours are likely to interfere with the education process.

There are some reasons as to why students behave inappropriately. Firstly, the way society works these days affect students’ behavioural patterns. For instance, parents might spend more time at work than at home and as a result, children lack parental guidance, not knowing how they are supposed to behave. This, in turn, is likely to cause them to have behavioural problems. Secondly, such behaviours might be caused by external influences, such as internet and television. Students, for example, might watch TV shows that use a lot of violence. Therefore, they are likely to imitate in real life by being more aggressive and using more violence. After all, students, especially teenagers, are easily affected by external parties.

In order to counter such problem, teachers should be friendly while still maintaining their professionalism. By being friendly, teachers might be able to understand students’ point of views and thus devise the right strategies to connect with them. This is because students are more likely to listen to teachers if they feel they can relate to the teachers and that the teachers understand them. Furthermore, it is also important to handle students patiently. This is really crucial since rough treatments might worsen their behaviours or encourage them to play truant. It is, therefore, wiser to be patient and guide students gradually to be well-behaved rather than using force to do so.

In conclusion, behavioural problems result from the way society works these days (e.g. lack of parental guidance) and external parties, such as bad influences from TV shows. Nevertheless, by understanding students’ views and guiding them patiently, students can gradually change and behave in a more appropriate manner.

[ by - Helen Natasia Lim ]


Sample Answer 2:
Aggressive student behaviour is a major cause of concern in many countries. This article addresses the reasons behind such behaviour and the measures that can be taken to prevent it.

Violent student behaviour can be attributed to a bad family atmosphere, a competitive school environment and lifestyle/dietary habits. A student’s behaviour in society depends upon the atmosphere at his/her home. If the parents of student don not devote enough time for him/her, the adolescent mind goes wayward. Research and study have shown that major acts of violence were committed by people who have had abusive mother or father in their childhood. Another factor that influences student behaviour is the environment at school. A competitive and comparison-based education structure adds fuel to fire. The last but less acknowledged factor in violent behaviour is their lifestyle/dietary habits. Excess meat consumption and lack of adequate physical exercise results in an unhealthy body and mind which leads to violent acts.

The behaviour of a student reflects the society we live in. Although violent student behaviour is a matter of grave concern, there are adequate and simple measures to prevent it. Parents and teachers must devote enough time for the student and understand his/her strengths and weaknesses. They must never compare one student with another. A great deal of emphasis must be placed by schools in physical activities like swimming, running and other sports. These help to channelize the great energy of the students in a better manner. Students should also be encouraged to take up activities like gardening and caring for domestic animals. These help in providing opportunities for them to appreciate nature and the other living creatures on this planet.

Violent student behaviour, although on the rise, can be purged at the grass-root level if proper preventive measures are taken. The youth are the future of our society and it is our solemn duty to guide and make them compassionate human beings.

[ by - Kalyan ]


Sample Answer 3:
Schooling is a platform that develops a student's personality. Unfortunately, problems created by aggressive student behaviour are on a rise in several countries. This essay analyses the various causes and remedial actions that can be taken to prevent it.

Primary cause of violent behaviour of students can be attributed to their social background. An individual constantly exposed to violence at home will tend to act the same manner at school. Secondly, school environment plays a vital role in shaping a student's character. Modern education is based on competition and comparison. For example, schools conduct monthly examinations to assess the student's progress and due to this they are subjected to undue stress that leads to acts of violence being committed at school.

Although the issue of student behaviour is a serious one, appropriate measures should be taken to eliminate the problems at the grass-root level. Parents should create a harmonious environment at home where a student has independence to express his views that can result in a drastic improvement in their behaviour outside the home. Schools must revamp their education system to create a non-competitive way of learning which will result in a healthy ecosystem where individual talent is respected. There should be several ways of grading based on individual’s talent and not have a one scale fits all grading system.

In conclusion, social and education system, which are the major contributors to extreme behaviour of students can be kerbed by placing right measures at home and school. Students are the jewel of our society, and it is our responsibility to guide them in the right direction.

[ by - Rajaganapathy ]


Sample Answer 4:
In some countries, education institutions are facing problems with the student's attitude and behavior. The following essay will discuss about some of the reasons that have caused the situation, and some of the steps that can be taken to address the issue.

It is a fact that a lot of schools have severe problems with their students' personality and attitude. Many of the children have become overreacted or showing negative behavior during the class hours. Some education experts believe that the negative attitude of the children is mainly due to the lack of attention of the parents. It is a common thing that both parents are working these days, and they would only have such a limited time for their children. As a result, some of the children have acted negatively at home and school to get the attention of their parents, teachers or friends. Furthermore, it is undeniable that video games have affected the mindset of the children nowadays. A lot of children are behaving aggressively due to the games that they often play, which shows a lot of violence and sadistic scenes. Consequently, several children think that fighting or teasing their friends is a normal activity.   

There are several things that people can do to resolve the problems. Firstly, the school should have a periodical coordination or a routine meeting with parents to discuss about their children attitude. The school should always remind parents about spending some quality and giving more attention to the children. Secondly, teacher should also recommend parents to monitor the children's activities, especially in the types of digital games they played or the types of movies they watched. Since, many video games or films are showing inappropriate acts or scenes which might distract the children's mind.

In conclusion, it is true that the negative behavior of some students become one of the main problems of many schools nowadays. Many people believe that it is due the lack attention of the working parents these days, and the impact of video games. Therefore it is important for the school and parents to cooperate in guiding the children.

[ by - Darwin Lesmana ]


Sample Answer 5:
Over the last ten years, pupil’s behavior is a serious problem for a lot of schools around the world. Indeed, according to the statistic, the level of school workers compliances on the pupils behavior have increased significantly. This essay will examine the reasons why this has occurred and suggest some possible solutions.

One of the reasons for this is that teachers now lack the freedom to discipline children. In the past, teachers could use any methods they felt appropriate to control pupils in their class, even if this meant physical punishment. However, the balance has now changed, with children aware that there are limits to what a teacher can do and without this respect children’s behaviour could be inappropriate. There have, for instance, been cases were pupils have sued teachers for disciplining them too harshly. Children should of course not be abused, but teachers must be given more power to use the methods that they think appropriate to control the class without fear of recrimination.

Another factor may be the diet of children. Research has widely reported that the additives on a lot of the snacks and carbonated drinks that children drink regularly can cause behavioural changes such as hyperactivity. This may lead to significant problem with child’s behaviour at school. To prevent this, schools must make sure that these snacks are not available at the school. Parents have a part to play as well, and they must ensure that their children are not given too much of these types of snacks at home.

To conclude, children may have serious problems with their behaviour at school because of a lack of discipline in schools and additives from snacks. However, the solutions are to give more power back to teachers and to limit the availability of certain food.

[ by - Natalia Svetlova ]


Sample Answer 6:
Students spend majority of their times in schools and it has proved that school has an undeniable effect on making and developing student’s character. As schools are considered as the second home of students, they are struggling with lots of issues related to students’ behaviors. So, this essay has tried to cover some of sources related to students’ behaviors and also will suggest some impressive approaches to schools to control and eradicate bad behaviors of students.

Firstly, it is very important to find all of the aspects which have deep effects on a student mind. As a student is at a young age, home environment, friends and TV programs can affect his character and encourage him to some particular behaviors. In fact, the way that parents interact with each other, directly defines moral and unethical matters for students. For example, a student learns from parents how to behave in a society including how to respect laws or how to be rebellious. In the other hand, students always are interested in intimating their friends as they spend majority of their times with them. Also TV programs have a strong effect on students’ character and in most of cases students make their appearances and develop their behaviors as similar as some popular actors. Therefore, schools are always the first place which face to mention problems and try to tackle with those bad behaviors which have come to existence in students.

Secondly, schools should implement some ways together to investigate students’ behaviors. For example, they should develop several meetings with students’ parents to recognize the reason for conflicts. Or as most of students find their friends in the school environment, teachers should monitor the way of interactions between students or encourage them to find good friends by making some small suitable communities in the schools. Ultimately, teachers should spend time to find that which TV programs are in student’s favorite lists and try to show them ethical aspects of those programs and by this way open a clear horizon for them to separate good thing from bad ones.

I think, therefore, schools have a critical role to teach moral things to students and they should arrange some more courses related to behavior matters beside the education. However, schools are so alone on this way in most of countries and they should be helped by societies and families as one hand can’t carry a watermelon without helping another hand.

[ by - Milad Rahimi ]

Model Answer 7:
In several countries, educational institutions are facing tough problems with the behaviour of their pupils, and the issue is getting crushing over time. In this essay, I will suggest that poor parenting is the root cause of this phenomenon, and recommend that a public awareness campaign is the most viable solution to this problem.

The primary reason for inferior discipline in schools is poor discipline at home. Many parents do not have the time and skills required to teach their youngsters the value of manners and respect authority. This results in many young people not listening to their teachers, being rude, and actively rebelling against rules and regulations. For example, a recent study by Cambridge University found that 1 in 4 teenagers would refuse to comply with a rule if they did not agree with it, compared to just 1 in 10 in a similar study in 1990. Busy working parents, in modern times, and their lack of awareness or time have intensified this problem to a great extent during the last couple of decades.

I believe the most effective solution to this issue is a government-sponsored awareness campaign in the whole country especially aiming at new parents. An effective advertising campaign could warn of the dangers of misbehaviour and hopefully, raise awareness amongst the public. For example, the United Kingdom recently lobbied their citizens to teach their children about the importance of respecting teachers and this resulted in a dramatic improvement.

In conclusion, widespread negative behaviour in schools has primarily been caused by parents not instilling the values of deference and civility in their offspring, and this can be tackled through a public education programme that promotes these values.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.57 (23 Votes)

In many nations, educational institutions are trying to enlighten students in all possible ways. They, however, have noticed that now learners have behavioural issues. This essay will examine the catalysts of this phenomenon and propose some avenues to alleviate it.

Two primary factors contribute to youngsters' undesirable actions in school. The most common one is the lack of discipline at home. Nowadays, in many families, both parents work and are not present at home, resulting in a situation where their offspring can do anything they want. This is how youths pick up many bad habits and bring them to school. Another reason that triggers this thing is inappropriate digital content. Playing video games and watching animations are many juveniles' favourite activities, for instance, and unfortunately, there are some toxic plots relating to violence, racism and crime in both of them. These contents can instil distorted values in adolescents, which could affect their personalities and behaviours in schools.

In order to mitigate such negative effects in schools, some effective approaches can be implemented. The most effective solution would be when parents spend more time with their children. They can go home early and do not work during the weekend, so they will have more time to cultivate their child to have desirable social manners. Restricting the type of content they consume could be another solution. A recent survey conducted jointly by more than 50 schools in our country revealed that when parents spend more quality time with their children and choose better digital content and games for them or significantly cut screen time altogether, the behaviour of children remarkably improves.

In conclusion, enlightening young people to have an appropriate behaviour should be a cooperative approach between schools and parents. This essay believes that parents can do so by allocating more time and voiding the unsuitable digital content for their children.

Samuel Gill
In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Different educational institutions are concerned about their student’s behavioural problems. Unfortunately, this can cause deterrence to educate children as such problematic situations are likely to influence the teaching-learning process. In this writing, I would like to enlighten the causes responsible for this menace and also suggest remedial measures.

Commencing the discussion, there are enumerable reasons to consider the students' behavioural issues in schools. Firstly, many parents do not spend ample time with their offsprings. Consequently, many of those children become aggressively stubborn. Secondly, mobile phones and the internet tremendously affect students’ attitude. Children spend excessive time with electronic gadgets and turn materialistic to a great extent. Gradually, internet applications and games change their usual behavioural pattern. Apart from this, watching violent movies and playing violent games also leave severe negative impacts on their minds. As result, they end up behaving badly in their classrooms.

Reinforcing my perspective towards the remedies, parents should refrain their wards from excessive utilization of electronic gadgets. In case of genuine reasons, they should set a definite limit to their usage. Besides, parents should make all possible endeavours to spend quality time with their children. This would certainly change their attitude and eradicate negative instincts from their minds. Secondly, children should be guided properly to abstain from witnessing violent movies and playing violent computer games. Moreover, teachers need to adopt an affectionate attitude and must refrain from corporal punishments so that these children become more compassionate and behave as expected.

To recapitulate, children are easily influenced by their parents and surroundings. Besides, teachers play an indispensable role in their mental growth and education. So it is expected that parents would spend ample time with their children and do some vigilant supervision of their digital activities. Teachers, on the other hand, should be more composed and tactful when dealing with the learners.

Youssef Fady
IELTS Essay Topic: In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?Sample Answer: Schools, around the globe, face behavioural problems with their pupils. This is obviously noted in certain age groups - such as teenagers and adolescents. Some people believe that because of widespread violent television shows, movies and action games, this is increasing. While others advocate that this is due to the lack of interest among children in being attached to the school. These two seem to be the most common reasons schools are facing issues with young students in many countries.Generally, the violent TV shows are one of the most common causes of violence spread among teenagers. This carries a very bad impact on students in the way they behave in the school. In South Africa, for instance, there are many studies on the behaviour of school students who watch TV programs containing violence. It shows a higher correlation between their altitude in schools and the number of hours they watch these programs. From this example, one can see clearly the effect of these programs on the pupils as well as the community. So, these shows should be banned or restricted to certain age groups and parents should be more careful about letting their children watch these violent programmes or play bloodshedding video games.On the other hand, many people opine that the behavioural problems schools face these days may come from student's lack of interest towards school environment and study. This may lead to more aggression or isolation behaviour towards the others. For example, in Egypt, many families force their children to continue school the way they like not what children prefer. These students are often forced from teachers and parents and as a consequence, they often lose their interests for school. This lack of interests and rebellion towards their parents considerably affect their behaviour at school. Psychological assessment, a certain level of freedom and reassurance should be in place in schools to help behaviour adjustment for these students. Learning should be fun for young students and the course materials should be entertaining and creative enough to attract those students. In conclusion, student behaviour is a variable issue and is difficult to deal with, as it goes on an individual basis. But this mainly causes either due to violent TV shows or loss of interests in school. Monitoring what types of programmes and games should be played by a child and making the school environment fun and learn are two great ways to solve these behavioural problems.