IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1449 - Do you think it is important to protect animals?

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic: 

With deforestation, urban development and illegal hunting, many animal species are becoming endangered as they lose their habitat, and some are even threatened to the point of extinction.

Do you think it is important to protect animals?
What measures can be taken to deal with this problem?


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: [Band 9 sample answer]

As the tapestry of life unravels under the pressures of deforestation, urban sprawl, and poaching, numerous animal species descend towards extinction, teetering on the brink of disappearing forever. To dismiss their plight as merely a concern for conservationists or animal lovers is to surrender to a dangerous fallacy. In this essay, I will assert that protecting those animals is essential, and a noble pursuit that is woven into the very fabric of our own existence.

The arguments for safeguarding our fellow creatures are manifold and multifaceted. Firstly, we share this planet with an intricate web of life, each strand playing a vital role in the functioning of our interconnected ecosystems. The disappearance of even a single species can have disastrous consequences, disrupting food chains, triggering population imbalances, and ultimately jeopardizing the delicate equilibrium of our natural world. For instance, the decline of pollinators like bees threatens agricultural productivity and food security, highlighting the intricate relationships that bind us to all living things. Furthermore, beyond their ecological significance, animals hold intrinsic value. Their diversity, intelligence, and capacity for sentience deserve our respect and protection. 

Addressing this dire situation necessitates a multi-pronged approach. Conservation efforts must be bolstered, with protected areas effectively managed and expanded to provide safe havens for vulnerable species. Stricter regulations and enforcement against illegal hunting and wildlife trafficking are crucial to stem the tide of exploitation. Additionally, investing in sustainable practices and resource management can mitigate the impacts of deforestation and habitat loss, ensuring harmonious coexistence between human needs and environmental protection. Beyond policy and enforcement, fostering a culture of appreciation and respect for animals is vital. Public education campaigns can highlight the vital roles they play in our ecosystem and the ethical imperative of protecting them. 

In conclusion, the decline of animal species is not solely an ecological crisis; it is a symptom of our disconnect from the natural world and the inherent value of all life. Embracing our role as stewards of this planet and adopting a holistic approach to conservation, driven by respect, awareness, and decisive action, is not simply a noble pursuit; it is the key to securing a future where both humans and animals thrive in a healthy and resilient biosphere. 

Model Answer 2:

The detrimental effects of deforestation, urbanization, and illegal hunting have exacerbated the decline of numerous animal populations, endangering their survival. I believe that safeguarding these species not only upholds ethical responsibilities but also ensures the sustenance of ecosystems upon which human well-being relies. Various measures can be implemented to address this critical issue.

The protection of animals is undeniably crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, and safeguarding the planet's well-being. Animals play integral roles within their respective ecosystems, contributing to ecological stability and sustaining natural processes. Furthermore, many species hold intrinsic value and embody unique genetic diversity essential for scientific research and potential medical discoveries. Beyond ecological significance, ethical considerations underscore the responsibility to prevent the extinction of various species caused by human activities.

To protect those animals, stringent legislation and enforcement against illegal hunting, poaching, and trafficking of endangered species are imperative. Governments and international bodies should collaborate to enact and reinforce laws that combat these illegal activities, imposing severe penalties to deter offenders. Secondly, habitat conservation and restoration efforts play a crucial role. Preserving natural habitats through the creation of protected areas, national parks, and wildlife reserves is essential to provide safe havens for endangered species to thrive.

Furthermore, community engagement and education are vital components of animal conservation. Educating local communities about the significance of wildlife preservation and involving them in conservation efforts can foster a sense of stewardship towards wildlife and encourage sustainable coexistence between humans and animals. For instance, empowering local communities through education and collaboration can turn them from spectators to protectors of their unique wildlife heritage.

In conclusion, protecting endangered animals is a crucial responsibility that demands concerted efforts. Adopting stringent laws, preserving habitats, and educating communities are pivotal steps toward ensuring the survival and thriving of endangered animal species.

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