Graph Writing # 50 - An island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1/ Graph Writing - Map:

» You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

» Write at least 150 words.

Island, before & after the construction of some tourist facilities

Sample Answer 1:
The maps depict an island before and after some renovation works for tourists and compares the changed on the island for the constructions. Generally speaking, many new facilities have been constructed for tourists, including accommodations, restaurant, swimming facilities etc. and those have been built without affecting the natural resources that much.

Before the facilities were constructed, there was only trees and beach on the island and most of the places were empty. In this island, many new tourists’ facilities have been made including accommodation facilities, restaurant, reception centre, pier for boating, swimming facility on the beach and so on. Interestingly plants and trees were not cut down to build these constructions and most of the constructions were made near the beach.

Besides, footpaths and roads for commuting have been built to facilitate the tourists. The footpaths were made to walk between the residing places and the beach while the motor tracks were created to visit the restaurant, reception area, and pier for boating.

In summary, the construction was mainly made to facilitate the tourists' stay, visit and amusement and for that, no plants or trees were cut.


Sample Answer 2:
The map illustrates the changes on an island after the construction of some tourist facilities. Generally speaking, the island was deserted as no tourists facility was there, but after the renovation, tourist amenities like the pier, restaurant, several accommodations, reception on the island, roads etc. made it tourists friendly.

The first map shows nothing on the island except some trees but the second map illustrates the changes after the construction of facilities. A pier for the boats to land could be seen and from there, a vehicle track leads to the reception area and then the restaurant. Vehicle track ends near the restaurant and the footpath leads tourists to the accommodation areas and to the beach. Residential areas are located on both sides of the reception with footpath connecting them.

It is worth noticing that no woodcutting took place as trees are present in both maps. On the left side of the reception, the residential area is connected to the beach via the footpath. Swimming facility is available there as well.

To summarise, the map summarises that a deserted island had been turned into a tourist spot for the recreation and amusement of people without destroying natural beauty.

[Written by - Sam Hameed]


Sample Answer 3:
The provided map reveals the dramatic changes in a small island that had been developed to add a number of facilities, especially for the visiting tourists.

Before the renovation, this place was surrounded by sea and small beach without any building and tourist facility. East and west of the island had some coconut trees while the rest of it was only an open space.

After the construction and development, the island became very dense and useful with its infrastructure and accommodation. Some bungalows were built in the middle of the land and some others near the beach in the west. The constructor also facilitated small footpath and a tourist can easily walk through it to reach the cottage and the beach. In the southern part, a pier was constructed for landing boats and it ended with the vehicle track, leading directly to the reception and the restaurant. Activities like swimming are now available in the beach area while the open space in the east of the island remained unchanged.

[ Written by - Marhamah ]


Sample Answer 4:
The map compares two stages of an island - before and after the development of tourist facilities. As can be seen, only a few trees and a beach were present on the island but many tourist amenities were built afterwards.

After the construction, significant changes have been done to increase the attraction of island while trees and plants were not whacked to renovate the island. Many facilities like accommodations, a restaurant, a reception centre, a pier for boating, footpaths and vehicle tracks were built. Most of the developments were done near the beach area. Beside, footpaths were made to let people access the cottages and beach area while road tracks were constructed to drive through restaurants, reception centre and pier area.

In summary, after the construction, the island got ready to provide numerous facilities to tourists. Furthermore, trees and plants were present to give pleasure to its tourists and not cutting them was a good idea for a tourist place like this island.

[ Written by - Faisal Ali ]


Sample Answer 5:
The given maps portray an island before and after the expansion of several tourist amenities. Over the period, the island witnessed dramatic transformations from a completely bare land to a tourist stop.

A beach used to be abandoned in the past, however nowadays it has become a swimming area. Next to the beach, several accommodations were built. Moreover, footpaths were built surrounding the accommodations. Moving to the north area, a restaurant was established along with a vehicle track, which was connected to the reception in front of the restaurant. Moreover, a pier was added making it easier for visitors and yachts to access the area. Few trees were cut to facilitate the construction, as can be seen.

In summary, the island had transformed in many areas; but a bare land remained in the north-eastern part. The newly added amenities would facilitate the tourists to stay and enjoy the place.

[Authored by - Many Theung]


Sample Answer 6:
Two maps of an island illustrate the differences before and after numerous constructions for tourists. We can see that a bare island was notably transformed to facilitate visiting tourists and it did not alter the natural composition of the island.

It can be seen that many tourist facilities were added to the surface of the island. It is now available for tourists to go for swimming near the beach on foot and it connects the seashore with the accommodation and an area closed to the island centre. Next to that area, there is a reception block which lies between a restaurant that is in the north of the island and the vehicle track leads to the pier where people can go for sailing boats. Besides, many accommodations were constructed to let travellers stay on the island and majority of the cottages are near the beach. Interestingly, those constructions did not harm the natural views of the island. 

[ Written by - Quỳnh Tran ]


Sample Answer 7:
The two maps illustrate the development of an island in terms of tourist facilities. Overall, it is clearly shown that there are big changes before and after the construction while the surface area of the island remains almost unchanged.

First of all, it is apparent that most of the areas of the island are occupied by accommodations which did not exist before the construction. In addition, a reception has been built in the centre of the island which is surrounded by the vehicle track. It is worth mentioning that a restaurant has also been added to the island which is located just behind the reception and they are linked by a vehicle track.

Furthermore, a pier was constructed in front of the reception and it was connected by a vehicle track so as to provide some leisure activities to the tourists. Last but not least, the beach located to the west of reception is now opened for the tourist to swim.

[ Written by - Alfred Lee ]


Sample Answer 8:
The two maps present the development of an island, alongside with the new special organisation after the constructions of some tourist facilities. Overall, the bare island has been renovated to facilitate the tourists.

It is easy to notice that two groups of cottages have been constructed in the centre and to the west of the island, serving as accommodations for tourists. Between them, a reception appeared. As compared to the cottages, which were connected through footpaths, the reception has two vehicles tracks, one surrounding the reception and one from north to south. It has a restaurant and at the south end, it has a specially designed Pier where boats come ashore.

Finally, within 50 metres of the west cottages, a swimming area has been designed. A significant development could be observed on the island but the authority kept the palm trees as they were, which spread the whole island.

[ Written by - Dan Leonte]


Sample Answer 9:
The given maps portray the changes that took place on an island after the construction of certain tourist facilities. According to the maps, we can immediately see that there are many establishments on the island for recreations now but those were not present on the old map.

First, a pier was constructed so that people can visit this island by boat. Second, lots of accommodations were built around the trees and those trees were kept intact. A reception was built in the middle of all accommodations, and a new restaurant is now located behind the reception. Third, on the left corner of the island, people can now go for swimming near the beach. The swimming area was designed for visitors. Last but not least, travellers can now walk around the island on the footpath. Meanwhile, vehicle tracks have connected the pier to the reception and ended at the restaurant.

In summary, many tourist facilities were built on the island for the entertainment and tourist facilities without sacrificing trees.

[ Written by - Veta]


Sample Answer 10:
The two presented maps depict the transformation of an island after the establishment of various tourist infrastructures. In general, the island was a bare land with a beach and some trees but now it is more tourists friendly after being renovated with several prominent changes.

Looking at the details, before being renovated, the island was certainly a vacant lot with a beach on the west side. In contrast, after reconstruction, the plain island has been converted into an attractive tourist destination. Some accommodation buildings, food courts, a reception, a dock are present now. The dock enables ships to stand in. Furthermore, the beach turns to swimming area that was not utilised before the constructions.

Besides, footpath and vehicle tracks also outline a noticeable difference in fact. There were no such tracks before renewal, but now several tracks had been built. These improvements make the view of the island more promising and fascinating.

[ Written by - Linda ]


Sample Answer 11:
The two maps illustrate the changes on an island due to the constructions and adaptations made for the tourism activities. In general, the island became more crowded with entertainment facilities after the introduction of tourism.

In the first picture before the construction of tourist facilities, there was no accommodation and the whole island had almost nothing except few trees. Furthermore, the area was completely calm and quiet.

However, turning to the second picture, this island provides a lot of accommodation facilities and a large restaurant. Reception block is located close to the restaurant and these buildings are linked through vehicle tracks. From the reception centre, people can go to the pier through the vehicle track. Moreover, the swimming area is also available near the beach for visiting tourists. Tourists can walk on the footpath to reach the beach from their cottages.

Overall, tourism facilities made greater development on this island, while it became congested. However, it is good no notice that trees were not chopped down during the renovation works.

[ Written by - Jibins Poulose ]

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Harindere Kaur
Good website for IELTS students for online study.
Nguyen Thuong Vu
The provided maps display how an island changed before and after the addition of various facilities for tourists. Despite a significant number of constructions, the natural resources have remained unspoilt.

The island is surrounded by a small beach and sea. Initially, it only had trees. After renovation works, the trees have stayed the same, however, those close to the beach are now nearby a number of accommodation facilities. There is another space of accommodation located approximately 250 meters away, and there are footpaths connecting within a space.

Roads have also been built from the reception area to the pier, which contains some boats, as well as to the restaurant. It is worth noticing that the reception area is located near the middle of the island and between two accommodation areas. Also, the beach has been made available for swimming.

In summary, there have been constructions of a pier, a restaurant, a reception area and two accommodation spaces, with footpaths and vehicle tracks connecting those places.

The two given maps illustrate how an island has changed following the development of various tourist facilities.

Overall, the island had gone through significant development in terms of accommodation and recreational facilities for attracting tourists. It is noteworthy that these developments had occurred without any noticeable damages to the trees.

Looking firstly at the island prior to construction, the island had nothing but a few trees scattered in the eastern and western regions and also a beach in the western side. Apart from these, the island was completely deserted and had no facility for tourists.

As is shown from the map after the construction, several infrastructures were erected to make the island a tourist hotspot. Many cottages were established for accommodating the travellers in the east and west side of the island, which were connected via a footpath. This footpath was extended up to the beach in the far western side of the island, where people can go for swimming. A restaurant was set up on the northern side of the island that had a connection with the reception building in the centre of the island by a vehicle track. This vehicle track was further extended to the south to establish communication with the pier, which enable tourists to go for a sail by riding the boats.

Satya Karan
The given maps depict the condition of an island - one is before the island got revamped with tourism facilities and another is just after the constructions done.It is evident that the west and the centre parts of the island got more development than the east part. The length of the island would be 300 square meters approximately. After the renovation works, the island now has accommodation facilities for the tourists and a restaurant was built at the middle of the houses. Most of the tourist facilities are connected by a pedestrian way. Moreover, on the west of the island, swimming facility is now available to the tourists near the beach and it is a walking distance from the hotels. In the centre of the island, there is a reception counter. On the south of the island, there is a boat pier which is the major connecting point to the island. Also, it is available for sailing the boats. Most importantly, the authority of the island preserved nature by saving the trees.
The given maps illustrate an island and changes that took place after the construction of a touristic village there. Analyzing the map, it is clear that despite the construction of the touristic village, the right side of the island remained untouched. On the other hand, the left side of the island was changed dramatically, even though the trees were not chopped-down.Studying both maps it is possible to notice the island had no man-made facility for the tourists before. However, it was radically altered to make it tourist-friendly. A reception was built at the centre of the island, and behind it, a restaurant was founded. In both sides of the touristic village, there are accommodation areas now, which count a total of fifteen small cottages. Moreover, in the southern part of the island, a pier was constructed, whereas, in the left part of the island, a new footpath was developed to reach the beach area. Finally, in the central area of the touristic village, a small road for vehicles was made.
I don't think you can use the reason because then it's gonna be your opinion. In writing task 1, it's all about the fact.
Can I write about the second map using the future tense such as - following the construction the island will be more habitable with amenities such as accommodation, restaurants, a beach for swimming and a pier for boating...
Parth Patel
It's very fantabulous website for me but if you don't mind then please send me day to day new topics of each module. It's my humble request to you!!! I am waiting for your email. Do fast - as soon as possible...
My Answer: Two maps show the same island - the first one before the inclusion of tourists facilities and the second one after that. Overall, several amenities were included in the island during the renovation work and it makes the place more tourist-friendly. Looking the first map we can see an empty large island (200 meters to be precise) that had a beach in the west and no visible construction or tourist facilities. Moving to the second map we can see a lot of buildings on the island, two area of accommodation - one is in the west of the beach while the other one is in the centre of the island. A restaurant can be seen in the north and a central reception block, which is surrounded by a vehicle track. This track also goes down to the pier where people can go sailing in the south sea of the island. Furthermore, tourists can swim on the beach and a footpath connecting the western accommodation units also leads to the beach. Overall, significant changes have taken place during the development on the island including activities arrangements for tourists.
IELTS Mentor
Improve your reading habit a lot. Your writing skill will improve if you read more. Then write on different topics including IELTS essays. Have some of your essays checked by a professional teacher.
Hello, what kind of tips could you give me to improve my writing skill? I cannot get higher level but 6.
The map shows an island which was later on changed to accommodate some tourist facilities. There were few trees only on the island before the renovation and construction work but afterwards, the island changed remarkably. Getting back to the details, the map indicates that it was an oval shaped island with few trees only before the construction of tourist facilities. The renovation did not compromise the trees and this is a good thing about it. In the south-west part of the island, some cottages for tourists were built as well as some accommodations in the east side of the island seaside too. All these cottages are interconnected with footpath. These paths can be used for going to the beach. The beach is located in the west of the island. In the centre of the island, there is a restaurant and reception area. Surrounding of restaurant and reception there are vehicle tracks. These tracks combine pier, reception and restaurant. Tourists and guests of this island can enjoy the view of sailboats on the pier and seaside. This island is not a big place - approximately one hundred metres, but those changes have definitely have made it possible for many tourists to stay here and enjoy the beach and sea.
The illustration depicts an island when it was wild and after reconstructions to a tourist destination with accommodation, restaurant, reception and pier, connected to each other with footpaths and vehicle tracks.Overall as it can be seen the the island had only a few trees and unused lands before the construction. Afterward, it has blocks and buildings, walkways and car roads, pier and boats and all of these are located are interconnected to facilitate the visiting tourists. It is obvious that the island had a shape of a revolver with fewer trees in the narrow front part, which is 100 meters in length, and more trees in the wide back part. After reconstruction of the tourist site, the wide part of the land remains intact, while the narrow part is turned into holiday complex with 6 cottages on the both sides of centrally located reception block connected with restaurant via vehicle tracks. In addition, the entrance also rebuilt so that tourist could walk from boats to the island via the pier and get to the reception as well as to the cottages and beach for swimming through automobile roads and walkways, respectively.Thank you in advance for your comments. I will highly appreciate any comment.
The two maps illustrate an island before and after the establishment of some amenities for tourists. A glance at the maps reveals that earlier the island had land, trees, an adjacent beach and bodies of water and after the renovation, it has many facilities for the visitors including lodgments near the main reception, a restaurant, swimming facilities near the beach, boat facilities at the pier, pavements and roads to drive.As is visible in the maps, before the construction work took place, the island had only trees, a beach and no visible place to live in. But the renovation works made it suitable for travellers to stay, dine and take a boat trip near the island. Moreover, the authority has put up pathways for all travellers who prefer to walk down the footpaths or a group of excursionist brought by a vehicle. Overall, significant changes have been made to the island to encourage travellers to see nature and fully enjoy their stay through the relaxing and convenient amenities. Interestingly, no logging was done to construct the reception, restaurant and houses. A pier was extended to the sea so that tourists can use boats as a recreational activity. Furthermore, swimming facilities were made so that the travellers could enjoy the beach swimming.
Would you please check it? The provided map depicts the dramatic changes on an island in process of development for tourist attraction and facilities. From the illustration, it is obvious that the island underwent a significant change from a desolate place to a congested one, harbouring different amenities for visitors.Before these constructions, the island contained some trees and a beach only. However, after the development, swimming facility contrived on the westernmost part of the island, near the beach. Furthermore, numerous accommodations are erected all over the island, except for the eastern side. A restaurant in the centre of the island and a reception centre south to it are visible and a pier for boats was created in the southern part of the island. Footpath and roads were built between the accommodations, the swimming facility, restaurant, reception centre and the pier for the convenience of the tourists. Surprisingly, and rather admirably, no tree was logged for the sake of construction.Overall, the island which was once deserted, is now able to welcome huge numbers of tourists, thanks to its various facilities.
Thank you.
Asadullah Khan
How can I improve my writing skills?
Well done, but the conclusion is a little bit weak...
When someone writes a piece of writing, he/she keeps the idea of a user in his/her mind that how a user can understand it. That's why this paragraph is perfect. Thanks!