GT Writing Task 1 Sample

In Writing Task 1 of the IELTS GT Test, a prompt will be given that gives you a situation that requires you to write a letter of around 150 words. For example, you may be asked to congratulate a friend who has recently been promoted in his/her job; a letter to your landlord describing a problem in the house you have rented; or a letter to your manager in your office.

You need to write a letter which can be informal (to a friend), semi-formal (to a neighbour) or formal (to a shop manager). We have produced many letter responses which are band 7.5+ level and you can practice them so that you can write any type of letter in your IELTS test. Best of luck!

Band 8/9 IELTS Letter Samples

12 Recent IELTS Letter Topics

IELTS Letter Types with model answers

Title Hits
You need to return to your country before the end of the semester - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 112 30531
Letter to a financial organization that gives money to students - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 111 30155
You booked a two-week holiday to Sydney - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 110 37202
You forget your bag in the gym and the gym will be closed for a week - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 109 25592
Letter to a bus company saying you have left some valuable items - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 108 39411
Write a letter to your friend and invite him to a party - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 107 218194
Your university lecturer gave you an assignment - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 106 39466
You missed a flight due to a problem at the airport - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 105 115664
You are going on holiday and you would like to hire a car - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 104 36605
You recently visited a tourist attraction and you were very pleased - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 103 37753
You have been doing voluntary work to help local community - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 102 57926
You are organising a graduation party for your class - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 101 29020
Your best friend just had her first baby - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 100 45978
The local government is planning to change the bus timetable - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 99 23226
Your local hospital has advertised people to do unpaid work - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 98 55650
Find another student to share the spare bedroom - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 97 22544
Your neighbours have a dog that is noisy at night - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 96 56546
You went to local restaurant with family and were very satisfied - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 95 26494
You want to sell some of your furniture - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 94 62469
Room in office that can be used as a relaxation room - GT Writing Task 1: Sample 93 21686