Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 gives you an essay topic and you need to write an essay no less than 250 words in response. You are expected to finish the essay in 40 minutes. This essay could be an argumentative, opinion or persuasive essay. You are expected to support your arguments or statements with examples or personal experience.
Title Modified Date
IELTS Essay # 114 - Creative artists should be given freedom to express their ideas 15 June 2022
IELTS Essay # 350 - Nowadays skills like these are disappearing 27 June 2022
IELTS Essay # 347 - Children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven 27 June 2022
IELTS Essay # 22 - Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students 27 June 2022
IELTS Essay # 49 - Young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year 28 June 2022
IELTS Essay # 71 - The characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality 28 June 2022
IELTS Essay 419 - Children are given too much free time 28 June 2022
IELTS Essay # 40 - Successful sports professionals earn a great deal more money 29 July 2022
IELTS Essay # 503 - Visitors to other countries should follow local customs 30 July 2022
IELTS Essay # 228 - Some people are born with certain talents 01 August 2022
IELTS Essay # 287 - Fixed punishments for each type of crime 02 August 2022
IELTS Essay 726 - Job satisfaction is an important part of being happy in life 02 August 2022
IELTS Essay # 291 - How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers 02 August 2022
IELTS Essay # 329 - Universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed 03 August 2022
IELTS Essay # 308 - Advantages and disadvantages of living in a house compared with an apartment 03 August 2022
IELTS Essay # 422 - Some people feel that entertainers are paid too much money 03 August 2022
IELTS Essay # 469 - The best way to improve public health 09 August 2022
IELTS Essay # 494 - Being a celebrity brings problems as well as benefits 10 August 2022
IELTS Essay # 456 - The best way to solve traffic and pollution problems 27 September 2022
IELTS Essay 484 - People are choosing to read e-books rather than paper books 19 January 2023