Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 gives you an essay topic and you need to write an essay no less than 250 words in response. You are expected to finish the essay in 40 minutes. This essay could be an argumentative, opinion or persuasive essay. You are expected to support your arguments or statements with examples or personal experience.
Title Modified Date
IELTS Essay # 1198 - University students should study a full range of subjects 10 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 578 - Multi-cultural societies bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country 10 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1210 - How much can we trust the journalists? 10 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1309 - The main environmental problem that we are facing 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1305 - Many processed foods and ready-made meals contain preservatives 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1276 - It is important for people to take risks in professional and personal lives 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1229 - Advantages and disadvantages of the new approach in teaching 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1226 - Places around the world seem similar nowadays 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1224 - Shopping is the favourite free time activity for many young people 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1216 - Unemployment remains the biggest challenge to school-leavers 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1197 - Distance-learning programmes cannot bring benefits as attending colleges does 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1196 - The consequence of improved medical care is people are living longer 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1194 - Best way to learn English is to study with native teachers 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1193 - Psychological illnesses may not be as obvious as physical disabilities 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 577 - Personal happiness is directly related to economic success 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 576 - Medical service should not be run by profit-making companies 13 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 50 - What are some important qualities of a good supervisor 14 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 575 - In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country 14 July 2023
IELTS Essay Sample 1122 - Children brought up in families with less money are better prepared 15 July 2023
IELTS Essay # 1324 - Fast food companies should not be allowed to advertise 16 July 2023