Cue Card Sample

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Candidate Task Card/ Cue Card Sample

In the IELTS Speaking test, you will be given exactly 1 minute to prepare yourself to talk about a particular topic and this topic is called IELTS Cue card or Candidate Task Card. The instructions to guide your talk are written on a card given to you by the examiner. Your talk should last for approximately 2 minutes until the examiner asks you to stop. The examiner will ask one or two questions at the end. The cue card/ candidate task card issue lasts for 3-4 minutes - including preparation time of 1 minute.

Write an answer for a Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card and get your writing published in our website with your credential. Submit your Cue Card Sample answer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Recent IELTS Cue Card Topics: lists down the IELTS cue card topics which are taken from the recent IELTS Exams.

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Title Hits
Cue Card 574 - Describe a TV series/show you enjoy watching 97988
Cue Card 573 - Common dress that females in your country wear 18386
IELTS Cue Card Sample 572 - Describe a social networking website/platform you use 93803
IELTS Cue Card Sample 571 - Describe an appointment with a friend that you totally forgot. 28439
IELTS Cue Card Sample 570 - Describe a place where you lived for a short period of time 31070
IELTS Cue Card Sample 569 - Describe an enjoyable day you spent in the countryside 86321
Cue Card # 568 - Describe an object you find particularly beautiful 229784
IELTS Cue Card Sample 567 - Elderly person in your family who you enjoy talking to 75314
IELTS Cue Card Sample 566 - Describe a time when you moved to a new house or school 76034
IELTS Cue Card Sample 565 - Describe a cafe you have recently visited 146723
IELTS Cue Card Sample 564 - Describe a popular place for swimming you know in your country 34941
IELTS Cue Card Sample 563 - Describe a service that you received for free 29158
IELTS Cue Card Sample 562 - Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage 80172
IELTS Cue Card Sample 561 - Describe a person you know who gave a clever solution to a problem 76556
IELTS Cue Card Sample 560 - Describe a crowded place you have visited in your country 44309
IELTS Cue Card Sample 559 - Describe your favourite dress 217586
IELTS Cue Card Sample 558 - Describe a situation when you had to wait for something special 30398
IELTS Cue Card Sample 557 - Place in your town/city where people can go for swimming 31258
IELTS Cue Card Sample 556 - Describe a personal goal which you have not been able to achieve 23362
IELTS Cue Card Sample 555 - Describe the most polite person you have come across in your life 40437